New year, same us. - Chapter 1

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**Marinette's POV**

THREE, two, one...

Happy New Year!!

I heard the cheering and screaming from the gang. Everybody was excited and happy. I gazed at the night sky, seeing the fireworks explode. It was beautiful, especially over the boat. I stood there smiling, suddenly feeling a hand peer on my shoulder. I turn around to see it was Luka.

"Happy new year Marinette," he let out softly. Before I could say anything Alya comes out of nowhere jumping onto me, giving me a big hug.

"Happy new year girl! Can't wait for another year of you being clumsy around Adrien," She splurted out, spinning me around in her arms. Alya was the best person I knew, and I couldn't wait to spend another year with her. After everything we both went through, how I told her about being Ladybug, and our ups and downs. I will always trust her with anything. I let out a giggle and gave her a hug back. She lets go and sees Luka waiting for me.

"Oh sorry didn't see you there," she said while running back to Nino. Luka laughed and pointed to the other side of the boat. I spot Adrien standing on the loft, looking at the fireworks.

"Start the year on good notes Marinette," he slowly whispered in my ear. I gave Luka a squeeze and made my way to Adrien. Over the months I've stopped stuttering so much around him and being way too clumsy. It's sorta like I got comfortable around him, I mean I did. His father has also given him a little more freedom since he's growing up and maturing but he still has a tuff schedule. So we get to hang out sometimes. Before I get there I freeze in my spot and see Alya and Nino kissing. If there were to be the best couple award I would so give it to them.

"Aren't they cute?"

"Ahh!" I get scared and trip from my shoe, looking up I see it was Adrien. Of course, it was Adrien. It hasn't even been a couple of minutes and I'm already messing up!

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to," he says worriedly grabbing my hand to help me up.

"Don't worry about me I just get scared too easily." I get up and wipe the dirt off my hands and arms. We both laugh because of how funny it was. But, it was very embarrassing.

"So um, I wanted to tell you a happy new year and I can't wait to spend another year with you! I mean- not with you but with everyone including you!" Here we go, messing up my words as usual. I look around the boat trying to distract myself from realizing what I just did AND said.

"I can't wait to spend another year with you two Marinette," he let out a small giggle because of my words. Now that I'm looking back at it, I MAYBE still be stuttering a teensy little bit around him. But at least I could stand next to him without falling all over the place!

"Yo my dude what's going on here," I rotate my head to see Nino and Alya walking towards the both of us. For I all knew, Alya was going to say something about me in front of Adrien just to embarrass me.

"Oh, Marinette was just wishing me a happy new year and-," I quietly tiptoe trying to not look as sketchy as I could.

"Woah girl where do you think you're going!" Alya catches on to me and she drags me back near to my spot.

"Hello?? I still haven't wished Luka a new year, soo I'm going!" great excuse Marinette, great excuse. Alya finally decides to let go of my shirt, but of course, I stumble and fall. Before I could hurt myself I feel a pair of hands catch me.

"Gotcha this time," Adrien grabbed my arms and pushed me upwards to get me up. I stood there for a couple of seconds, trying to process what had just happened. Did I really just fall and Adrien caught me? This cannot be happening, no way I am getting feelings for this dude ever again in my whole entire life.

"Earth to Marinette woo-hoo," I flinch to see Alya waving her hands in front of my face.

"Sorry I just um, zoned out." Everyone stops for a few seconds then decides to laugh. Nothing was funny about that.

"It really isn't funny guys," I say while crossing my
arms. I can't help but start laughing with them. Moments like these were the best when there was absolutely nothing to worry about. No Akuma attacks, not having to fight a big bulky villain, no stressing about trying to figure out how to defeat hawkmoth, and lastly, being with my best friends. I was glad to be spending my New Year with all my friends, I just hope nothing happens that ever breaks us.

**RINGGG** The laughing gets interrupted by Adrien's phone ringing.

"One-second guys, it's my father," he walks away holding his phone to his head while talking.

"Let's hope my dude doesn't make mini Agreste go home right now, it's too early for that." Nino played with his cap, then Alya snatches it right from his head and runs away—holding the red hat.

"Catch me if you can!"

I look over to my shoulder and see Luka making his way to me. I quickly grab him into a hug, he deserves one.

"Happy new year Luka," still hugging him I let a smile out. For a fact, I knew I was really comfortable around him. He understands me as nobody else could. Even after our breakup, we still remain best friends. I'm happy it stayed that way because who knows what I would do without Luka in my life. I was always able to talk to him about anything and he would sit and listen, trying so hard to help me—and he did. He has helped me through so much since I've met him, he's taught me so many different lessons I knew I always had needed. But I still have many secrets I've got to keep to myself. I always want to tell him about how I'm Ladybug, but I know it wasn't right and would probably put me in so much danger. Since I told Alya I felt like I've been less stressed, because I've got somebody by my side.  I really could trust Luka with everything, but not my biggest secret. I let go of the blue-haired boy, smiling as much as I could.

"Marinette we have to go, come on!" Alya says as she walks off the boat, making her way to the car. I grab my bag from the seat and go back to Luka.

"Bye, Il see you soon!!" I say running while waving it off till next time. He does the same, but smiling as well.


I look up to see I hit Adrien—right in the head. For the third time today, something had happened between us.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that again," stumbling over my words again. Didn't I say I was over him?

"No Marinette don't be sorry it's okay," he came up to me to make sure everything was alright. This boy was adorable.

"Are you going home now?" I nodded, getting up once again. He put his hand over my shoulder while gently pulling me closer. I wanted to scream at the moment, not because I was scared but I was nervous. We make our way to Alya's car, talking about so many things. He removes his hand from my shoulder and grins in a good way.

"See you at school Marinette," I stare at his eyes for a moment, the attractive flashy green eyes.

"Bye Adrien!"

I could feel my cheeks going red, why was I blushing? As I get to the car Alya is sitting in her seat, waiting for me to blur a word out to her.

"So, what was that about you and Adrien huh," she says, giving me that look she always has when she knows something is up.

"Look Alya it's really nothing! I'm just f-friends with Adrien! I have told you I'm over him." I stutter the words out of my mouth. Really now, back to the stuttering? She giggles, knowing exactly that was all lies.

"Whatever you say Marinette,"


I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE ENJOYING THE STORY SO FAR!!! I'm actually really proud of this, I will try to best to update as much as I could! I have so much planned out for the rest of the story, so you guys better be ready. :D

Bug out!

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