Just like I promised her. - Chapter 4

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(and no Mari doesn't try to khs guys come on don't think that)


"I'M so glad to be back here! I know you all missed me so much!" for a fact it wasn't all of us who missed her being here. It was peaceful without her.

"We all have missed you so much, now if you could take your seat that would be amazing. You guys could chit chat later!" Mrs.Bustier was always spreading the positive energy around us to make us not feel bad, especially at this moment. I looked over to Alya who had been giving a horrible look to Adrien.

The silence broke when Lila had "tripped" right near me.

"Ow! Marinette tripped me! I'm hurting!" my classmates were gasping and rushing to help her get up at the scene.

"I didn't even do anything what do you mean?" I yelled furiously because I knew she was trying to set me up again. I looked around to see everyone staring at me with disappointment, except Adrien, Alya, and Nino.

"You are lying Marinette! Why do you hate me so much?!" me? Lying? I stood up from my seat and made my way towards Lila, being inches apart from her.

"Stop trying to set me up for something I never did! You always do this to me and I've had it! I've had enough of it! All of you who believe her lies are foolish and aren't my friends at all!" I rushed out of the classroom, grabbing my bag to secure Tikki was with me.

"Marinette wait!" I heard Alya call out but I exited quickly before she could finish her sentence.

Why was I letting some freak make me look like a bad person? The fact that my friends had believed her too. It hurt me so much. This girl was up to ruin my life and I knew it.

The moment I got to the locker rooms I sat on the bench. Thinking over and over again. I could see Tikki trying to peek out my bag but I pushed her back in. I wasn't willing to talk to my kwami because I knew she would turn it into some kind of lecture I didn't wanna hear. I didn't notice how far I took that. Not only had I made them angry but probably really disappointed. I was always the bubbly person and now I've let it out on my classmates. They might never see me the way they saw me before.


The door slams open and I see Lila walking her way slowly to me.

"Aww looks like somebody's sad because their friends betrayed them!" she lifted my chin using her pen and I smacked her hand away. She made herself comfortable, crouching down right in front of me.

"Don't touch me Lila." never have I ever had the urge to smack somebody so hard in the face.

"What are you gonna do if I do? Call your charming prince Adrien to come to save you?!" I stared at her, not wanting to say a single word. Right now I was afraid she would try to do something to me.

"Exactly, nobody is here for you Marinette. Give up already!" don't let her get to your head. Don't let it happen. You have your friends here for you, you have your partner, you have people, don't believe her. You're ladybug, not some random stranger she hates. I tried my best to get up from the bench but fell backward and scrapped my elbows and arms badly from the tiled floor and lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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