Rain Rain Go Away

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Where I live, Rains are a big deal. There's a whole season dedicated to rains, we don't have autumn or spring. We have monsoon season! Or as we call it colloquially- rainy season ;)

Now I have a lot of great memories during the rainy season, the first rain would always be the best! My friends and I would rush down to play in the rain together, we'd all get our umbrellas and raincoats and splash around in puddles. We made paper boats and danced around happily yelling and singing songs as heaven opened its gates to the world below.

We would almost always get colds the next day but none of us worried about that. For us, the joy we would get playing in the rain made it worth it. I've moved houses since then, and the place where I live now is a tall tower, so I'm always high (just kidding :P). During the rains all I can see from my balcony is clouds, to the point where they're almost coming into the house- it's simply glorious and I couldn't be more grateful to live where I do.

I have a vivid memory of sitting at home with my grandparents having hot tea and onion fritters (which we call kanda bhajjiya) as the rain poured outside. I love rainy days, it's the perfect weather to read a good book or snuggle up and watch a movie. I find the sound of rain very calming, the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops as they reach the ground gives me a sense of comfort.

On the other hand, if I have to get work done- rainy days are the worst. Like I said before it's the perfect weather to snuggle up, not to write a two page long essay about how Julius Ceaser was killed. C'mon people, he was simply stabbed 23 times! No biggie.

Anyway today I'm gonna narrate one such incident during the monsoon season, which I will never forget. (I don't remember the exact date this happened but I was probably 11-12 years old)

So in the spirit of Shakespeare,

Alloweth's setteth the scene, shalt we?

Act 1, scene 1

T'was heavily pouring outside, the loud sound of rain falling could be heard through the thick glass windows. The city was flooded with rainwater, it was probably the most amount of rain the city had ever seen in a long time. It always rained a lot, but this time was different. It was vicious.

I was in my room staring out the window, not paying attention to the open book lying on my desk. I had my exams starting the next day, but the wild weath'r hath kept me distract'd. It had been pouring all day long, and I was secretly hoping it stayed that way so my exam would get postponed because of heavy rains.

Just then my mother came into the room and snapped me out of my daydreams. Apparently the drain in the living room balcony wasn't working, so water hath quickly begun to accumulate. I took that as an excuse to get away from studying and rushed down. Quite a bit of water had gathered and my mom had placed rolled up towels near the doors of the balcony so that water wouldn't leak into the house. When I went there I heard her saying to the help (let's just call her grapes) that they would have to do something about it otherwise the water would start leaking in. I asked if they needed my help but my mom shooed me away saying that I should study, I made a face and went away.

A few minutes later, I came back down to get something to eat and what I saw was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. Grapes and my mom were walking around with their pants rolled up till their knees and with huge buckets filled with water in their hands. Amused at what they were doing, I just stood there to observe their actions. Grapes had filled the bucket with the water which had flooded the balcony floor and was walking to the bathroom to drain it. My mother realised what grapes was doing and started laughing. She said it was already raining so much, that they could simply throw the water from the buckets outside into the open instead of walking back and forth from the bathroom. The two of those folk did start aggressively throwing wat'r out and filling their buckets again.

I couldn't just stand there anymore, this seemed like too much fun. I picked up a bucket and started helping them. My mom didn't stop and before she could ask me I said, "looks like you need all the help you can get." She grinned and the three of us continued filling and throwing the water. Trust me when I say- I had the time of my life! We had such a blast, giggling and laughing at each other and having races to see who could throw the most water out. We were completely soaked from head to toe! T'was hilarious seeing two grown women and a child chuckle ov'r something as simple as water.

Mine own sist'r hadst been sitting inside the house watching us all this while, and the lady did look worri'd. My father had called earlier and said that he was stuck in traffic since the roads were all flooded and that he would come home as fast as he could. Thou sister of mine used to have a fear of natural disasters so she was a little nervous. After some time, Grapes, my mom and I took a break from all the throwing and filling and came in to get warm. That's when my mom realised that I had an exam the next day and I shouldn't get sick- she told me to quickly go get changed into dry clothes.

Soon enough, I was all warm and comfy in a dry pair of clothes. I came down and saw that my sister was crying and my mother was consoling her. "What if our house gets flooded! We'll die!" the lady was declaring, sniffling and sobbing.

"Don't worry, we're safe. We'll be fine," my mom explained patiently. I entered the conversation, cracked a few jokes and my mom and I managed to cheered her up. She was still worried but felt better after we reassured her.

Then the strangest thing hath happened.  All of a sudden, the lady did start crying again but this timeth the lady wast cry-laughing? mine own mother and i w're puzzled, the lady did point to something behind us.  I turned around and burst out laughing. There were a lot of different quotes and random pictures and stuff on the wall, and the one she was pointing to said "Life is short so pause and appreciate". Now under normal circumstances, this would've been a lovely quote but that day it was hilarious. The perfect thing my sister could've seen right after we had reassured her that she wasn't going to die. We burst out laughing.

Slowly but steadily the rain reduced and the balcony had stopped flooding. We were sitting in the living room, still laughing about that quote when the doorbell rang and my father came home. He saw us laughing and we narrated the entire incident to him...

                                         ———                                                                                                 A/N- This is definitely a memory I will never forget, it's something even my sister looks back upon and la...

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A/N- This is definitely a memory I will never forget, it's something even my sister looks back upon and laughs about. That day indeed t'was an adventure. Hope you enjoyed reading! If you did, please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me :)

"Life is sh'rt so pauseth and appreciateth ev'ry moment, because thee realise not its imp'rtance until it becomes a mem'ry. "

PS: Something really funny I found out while writing this chapter, is that "to die" in old english is translated as "kicketh the bucket" xD

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