Chapter one

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A white tom with green eyes and silver splotches walked through the forest, the quietness of the green place and the scent of blooming flowers was calming. He loved walking through the forest for those reasons, and those reasons only.
The tom had been walking for a few minutes when he saw an opening in some bushes, knowing it was the opening to the Ivyclan.
The silver tom walked into the Ivyclan camp nervous, he was a harringclan cat after all.
After walking through the somewhat long bush tunnel into their camp, but when he got there he saw the worst thing ever.
The entire clan was in shambles, all the cats had died but there were flower petals and some random splotches of black liquid.

"What is this?!" The white and silver tom was in shock, there was so much blood everywhere, so many corpses and.... Flower petals....

The white and silver splotches tom ran back to harringclan, worried.
"Everybody! Please! Listen!" Thhe white tom rushed into harringclan cat.
All the cats in the camp were staring.
"Ivyclan has been entirely found dead! No live cat in sight!" He yelled.

"What?!" A voice hissed from the leaders den, a brown tabby
she-cat with black splotches and deep blue eyes walked out of the den. It was ivyclans leader, cottonstar.

"Yes ma am! Ivyclan has lots of blood and corpses around, i have not yet further investigated." The tom then replied.

"Frosttalon, show me the mess." Cottonstar hissed.

"Yes ma am." Frosttalon mewed backed.

Cottonstar and frostalon walked out of camp and into the woods.
Both cats had walked into the ivyclan camp.

"What happened here." Cottonstar was shocked as well.

"There is no scent of any animal that could have caused this mess." Frosttalon said.

"Whatever cause this mess was brutal." Cottonstar pointed out to a fee cats sorted in a pile with their throats and bellies slashed open.
Editors note:
So sorry its still short, im trying my best to gain ideas!

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