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The brown tabby tom with white stripes had been coughing up petals the entire day, he knew he had the hanahaki disease but no other cat had it this bad.
He saw amberstream walk in with a saddened look on their face,

"Hey foresteye.. how are you right now?" Amberstream asked.

"Im doing fine amber, still coughing up petals though." Foresteye replied coughing a bit.

Petals had covered the ground near the moss bed foresteye was on, there was some black liquid specks; it was... strange..
The petals decayed slowly, it was obvious that they were decaying since the end of them was turning a dark yellow.

"Hey, if you need anything just holler for me" Amberstream said to foresteye with a concerned look.

"Will do amberstrea-" foresteye replied before coughing up more petals and some more black liquid.

"Are you okay?!"  Amberstream freaked out, he had jumped back a bit once he heard the coughing of his dying friend.

"I- im (COUGH) f-fine amber!" Foresteye proclaimed as he coughed a bit more before stopping.

"A-are you sure?" Amberstream was on the brim of crying, he cared about his friend a lot and didn't want foresteye to die.

"I-im fine amber, trust me." Foresteye mewed back calmingly, he put his paw over amberstreams paw in a comforting way.

"I- i have to go now. Leader wants me." Amberstreams ears turned as he stepped away.

"What happened...?" Foresteye mewed looking curious.

"Something happened that includes me." Amberstream meowed back in a quieter tone.

"Oh... well good luck" foresteye said in a comforting tone.

"Thanks." Amberstream mewed back as he walked out of the medicine den.
[amberstream; bareleaf, 2:37 pm]

Amberstream had just walked out of the medicine den whwre his dying friend laid.
Walking to the leaders den amber looked around at the camp, the apprentices playing and some other cats sharing tongues.

"Im here barkstar." Amberstream mewed sternly while walking in.

"Ah, welcome amberstream. Took you long enough. Anywho, how is foresteye doing?" The brown tabby tom mewed back.

"He's doing fine, still coughing up petals." Amberstream's ears turned back, his paws clenching.

"Of course he is, snowpelt did reject him after all!" Barkstar laughed a bit.

"We dont talk about that!" Amberstream hissed, sheathing his claws.

"Woah, woah, chill out amber; it was just a joke!" Barkstar smirked, a face that shouldnt be trusted.

"That was no joke and you shouldnt be joking of fatal stuff.!" Amberstream hissed again, looking a bit angrier than last time.

"Ok! Ok! Fine, ugh." Barkstar mewed back, slightly hissing while his ears went back.

Amberstar was growling a bit, he was not happy about the "joke" that barkstar had made about foresteye.
Amberstream immediately walked out of the leaders den, not even caring about what the leader wanted anymore.

"Amber! Get back in here!" The brown tabby hissed, his ears pulled back.

Amberstream continued walking, both being upset. Amber was not tolerating his leaders behavior, especially if barkstar was gonna make fun of foresteye for getting rejected.

Warrior cats| a dangerous story; The darkest nights |Where stories live. Discover now