Commoner AU - pt 1

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As the title says, it's an AU with all characters as commoners, this means no host club... it's basically just a normal high school AU now that I think about it.


Tamaki graced the halls, his uniform messily hung on his shoulders, yet another rushed morning for the blond. He walked through, waving at and greeting several different people before his friends came to his side. 'They're bad influences,' Tamaki had been told, but people liked him, and people liked them, so he had little choice... and they weren't all bad, right?

As the group walked through the hall, Kyoya was rushing to get his things from his locker. He wasn't entirely well-liked, he only acted to suit himself which resulted in many people having been insulted or ignored, plus he was weak looking and nerdy so he was a bit of a bully magnet; he was lucky he had his looks and many people found him attractive, otherwise he would have been an outcast - not that he would admit that to himself. 

What annoyed him the most though, aside from bullies, was people who didn't know when to quit. Unfortunately for Kyoya, someone who was both of those things was approaching him.

"Heyyy Kyoya,"  the blond purred, perching himself on the door of Kyoya's locker.

"Do you need something, Suoh?" Kyoya shot back as Tamaki's 'friends' kept walking.

"You really surprise me, everyone in the school likes me except you, and I'm determined to change that!" 

Kyoya closed his locker, pushing Tamaki off the door, "good luck," he said walking away. He knew it would be easier to just pretend to like the blond, but his pride would not let him do so.

Despite how quickly he was walking, Tamaki caught up to the shadow king, "maybe I could carry your books?"


"How about I carry your hand then?" He said with so much charm anyone would swoon.


Well... almost anyone. Tamaki almost deflated on the spot, "that's never not worked."

"Welcome to the real world. Anyhow, I have nothing to gain from being friends with you, so if you were to kindly leave me alone it would be very much appreciated," Kyoya smiled intimidatingly, it - along with his bluntness - sent a shiver down Tamaki's spine.

After that, Kyoya managed to ditch Tamaki and quickly made his way to class. He had a feeling in his gut that told him the pest wouldn't give up so easily.

He sat down on the opposite side of the room from Tamaki, then the teacher started the lesson announcing the class would be doing group projects. Kyoya had a very strong urge to leave, group work was insufferable; especially when your partner is an idiot. Unluckily for Kyoya, most of the class did not hold to his abnormally high standards.

The teacher picked every second person to come up and pick a name from the box to determine their partner, Kyoya saw Tamaki pray silently before he went up.

He approached the box. His hand went in. He read the paper.

"Ootori Kyoya!"

God loves him too much.

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