Commoner AU - pt 2

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After school, Tamaki invited Kyoya back to his house since Kyoya objected to them going to his.

The assignment was on space, easy enough right? 

"Okay, since it's mostly open I suggest we do our assignment on the theories about the end of the universe since there's quite a bit of information, furthermore," Kyoya pushed up his glasses, "I believe we would be able to split the workload fairly evenly."

"Uh- yep sure!"

"Were you even listening?" annoyance flooded his face.

"Of course I was! Continue please, which... um- theories are we going to look at?"

Kyoya re-explained his ideas and wrote out exactly what Tamaki would be doing on the whiteboard mounted in his room, secretly careful not to disturb the rose drawings in the corners.

"Got it! I'll start working on... it..." Tamaki slowly faded out. His eyes absorbed Kyoya's face, the sun through the window hit him perfectly like there was a halo hovering around his head. It bounced off his glasses creating small pools of light in his eyes. It was... heavenly.

"What's the matter now?"

"Nothing!" Tamaki replied pulling himself out of his thoughts. After a small pause, he said, "I don't get why they call you the shadow king. You're so... radiant? Especially when you're talking about space."

"I happen to have a soft spot for physics, which has to do with the universe. And people call me what?"

"Nothing, nothing, forget I said anything."

After an awkward pause, Tamaki asked, "do you mind if I play some music?"

"Go ahead," Kyoya replied focused on the project.

However, his head shot right up when 'Sweater Weather' started playing.

Having noticed it, Tamaki looked up into his eyes, "do you know this song?"

"And what if I did?"

"I'd tell you we have something in common."

Kyoya only hummed in response.

Tamaki tried his best to make conversation, but he was scared of disrupting the raven-haired boy.

"So, where did you get this idea from?"

"Someone special to me once taught me about it, I suppose I took inspiration from that."

"A girlfriend? Or- or a boyfriend?"

"My elder sister."

"Oh! What's it like having an elder sister? I'm an only child, it gets a bit lonely."

"I am... thankful for her. She is the only one of my siblings I am really close to. My brothers are fairly distant."

"You have brothers too?"

"Three of them. They make it difficult to stand out."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking." Tamaki felt bad asking about Kyoya's family having known him for such a short time, but he wanted to know everything about the boy... he just couldn't explain why.

"It's fine. Having them there just means less attention from my parents... Enough about me, what's your family like?"

"Well, I live here with my dad. My mum is in the hospital right now, it's difficult but we manage. I just want them to be happy. I mean, I want everyone to be happy really."

"Is that why you set out to befriend me?"

"I haven't thought about it that way. You're a mystery to me, Kyoya. You're top of every class, very handsome, dedicated and hardworking, yet... you have no friends," just saying that almost brought tears to Tamaki's eyes. He has been able to effortlessly befriend everyone he has met, yet something was different with Kyoya. He was cold and stern, and Tamaki's charm seemed to have no effect.

"I've found that they tend to only hold me back."

"I think I can change your mind."


Throughout the afternoon Tamaki had actually done what he was supposed to, much to Kyoya's surprise. As much as he hated to admit it, he was starting to like Tamaki a little more... though his friends were helping to undo that.

"So, have fun with Tamaki yesterday?" one of them hung his arm around the back of Kyoya's neck.

"Get off of me," was all Kyoya could manage to say, panic swelled up inside of him. He couldn't stop the flashbacks of his dad from taking over his mind.

"What's the matter? Is the great Ootori Kyoya scared of a little gesture?"

Kyoya couldn't breathe, it was like he was back in the living room with his dad's hands clamped around his neck. It was worse now though, the last thing he wanted was to cry at school, especially in front of these guys.

"If you're going to act like I'm hurting you, I may as well!" Kyoya was slammed into the locker in front of them, his glasses flew off his face from the force. It sent a powerful headache through the back of his skull. Kyoya thought he was going to vomit, especially when other members of the group held him in place.

He braced for impact, trying to swallow the tears and vomit. His eyes closed tightly, and he wasn't sure when he would be able to open them again.

"Stop! What do you think you're doing?" 

"Oh- Hey Tamaki!"

"Don't 'Hey Tamaki' me! Not after this! Why on Earth were you attacking Kyoya like that?" Tamaki yelled.

Kyoya felt his arms drop as the group backed away. He kept his eyes closed as he sunk to the floor.

"I thought it was my duty, as your friend, to help you when assholes like him try to bring you down. There's no way I'm in the wrong here!"

"You know, I was only friends with you because of how everyone admires you and wants to be in your group. I thought that meant you made people happy... clearly, I was wrong."

"Tamaki, dude, chill out. It was just a little play fight."

"No! I am not your dude, or your friend anymore for that matter. Now leave!"

Kyoya didn't open his eyes. Not as the group left. Not as Tamaki knelt down to help him. Not as they hugged. 

"How about you go home?"

"I... I can't. Especially not after that."

"Then, let's go back to my house?"

"You don't need to look after me, Suoh. I appreciate the help, but I can handle it myself.  Anyway, it's rotten work."

"Not to me. Not if it's you."

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