Teacher AU

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Kyoya Ootori, the notoriously strict physics teacher, and Tamaki Suoh, the notoriously over-the-top drama teacher were at war. Next year, students could only pick either physics or drama, and both teachers were not about to let their class abandon them.

It started with the promotion of their subjects, Kyoya opted to talk about where it can get his students in the future whilst Tamaki bragged about the fun things the class does. Quickly, however, following a side-eye Kyoya gave the opposing teacher and a snarky remark, it became a war.

'Come do drama!' Kyoya found was written on his whiteboard in his classroom. Then during Tamaki's drama class, there was an announcement to his room, "Physics is the right choice. Do physics." The next day all the science textbooks in the classroom had been replaced with plays, and the props in the drama room replaced with science models and equipment.

Needless to say, the teachers were fighting. Kyoya had even spent time in class complaining about a certain blond teacher who kept trying to steal his students (unlike Tamaki who complained all of the time to his class), and the students found it very entertaining - to the point they were betting on who would get more students, and on the relationships between the two teachers, at lunch. This was shut down by Kyoya after Tamaki failed to stop it, but that just made them sneakier.

One fateful day, the two were sent an email regarding a student who wanted to do both subjects, so an interview was set up for the afternoon in the library. 

As the student and parent walked in, the teachers quickly stopped their bickering and greeted the two.

"Good afternoon Mr Houshakuji," Tamaki pleasantly greeted.

"Afternoon Ootori, Suoh."

"Let's get straight to business, shall we?" Kyoya suggested.

"Yes, well, Renge here wants to do both drama and physics, but I am doubtful of her capabilities, on whether it is possible, and please take no offence Suoh but I do find drama to be a waste of time."

"Mr Houshakuji, your daughter is my best student. Many people don't see much value in drama, but it develops many useful skills - on and off the stage - such as confidence, teamwork, and it improves memory. Plus, I have never seen Renge happier than when she is on the stage. I believe we can work something out to keep Renge in drama, I won't rest until we do!"

To say Kyoya was shocked at Tamaki's dedication and how observant he is would be an understatement, though only Renge seemed to notice this.

"Well... if you feel that confident about it, then I suppose it is best we keep her in drama. How will we make it fit with physics though?" Renge's father replied. 

"I believe I have a solution to that," Kyoya answered, "she can do an online course instead of physically attending class. It would mean having to manage your time very well and having a lot more homework than usual though, Renge."

"Of course! I won't let either of you down!" She said happily.

The two teachers smiled, then Kyoya said, "I will email you both information about it, and you can set it up."

"Is there anything else we can help you with?" Tamaki asked.

"I think that is it, thank you for your time," and with that, the Houshakujis left.

The two teachers scooted closer together, "you're really passionate about drama."

"Well, yeah! Did it impress you?"

"Maybe," Kyoya replied before kissing the teacher next to him.

"Sorry! I forgot my bag-" Renge ran back in, and the two pulled apart... but it wasn't fast enough, "I was right!" She yelled.

Then, another student came in - Haruhi Fujioka, "Renge, what are you yelling about?"

"You owe me $10! They were kissing!"

It was after Haruhi groaned Kyoya spoke up, "we've been married for five years." Tamaki held his hand out showing his wedding band.

"Hah! Make it $20!"

Authors note:

I made it Renge wanting to do both because I can't imagine Haruhi wanting to do drama lol, also Tamakyo is only worth $20 apparently.

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