Soulmate AU

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Soulmate this, soulmate that, it's all Kyoya would ever hear at school. It seemed that everyone was obsessed with finding theirs... This included his best friend, Tamaki. Everyone loved Tamaki, but he was still infatuated with this idea of true love and finding his partner. That terrified Kyoya because he knew it wasn't him.

His tattoo was the outline of a rose, it was placed on his ribs. That was the excuse he gave Tamaki to not show him, very convenient for the raven-haired boy. Furthermore, since Tamaki hadn't seen his, he refused to see the blonds; he didn't want to be in debt to him... and he was scared of what he would find.

"I wonder if I'll find them today," Tamaki said, leaning over his desk to speak to Kyoya, who sat in front of him.

Kyoya swivelled his chair to face his friend, "you say that every day."

"Well yeah! I want to find them, and I won't rest until I do!" 

"Good luck," Kyoya said, turning back around.

"Why don't you want to find yours?" Tamaki puffed out his cheeks childishly.

"You know perfectly well why," he dismissed.

There was a long pause.




"Wait no I don't! You've never told me!"

Just like that, the bell went to start class.


"So, are you going to tell me?" Tamaki asked as the two left the classroom.

"Tell you what?"

"Kyoya don't play dumb."

"The reason isn't important, so no, I won't be telling you."

"I'll have to see your mark eventually, you know. We start swimming today, good luck hiding it then!'

In response, Kyoya just rolled his eyes, "I'll find a way."

"You always do," Tamaki mumbled under his breath. He couldn't understand Kyoya's lack of excitement and willingness, I mean he has the chance to find his soulmate! His true love! Why won't he take it?  All Tamaki wanted was for his best friend to be happy, and that means he would need to find his soulmate. Admittedly, he was jealous of whoever Kyoya's soulmate was, they get to spend the rest of their life with Kyoya, make him happy... I wish I could do that.

"Tamaki, are you all right?" Kyoya asked, noticing the blond was lost in thought.

"Oh! Yes, no need to fret!"

"Okay then," Kyoya replied opening the doors to the pool. It was a new program that had been introduced to the school since many of the students either could not swim, or had family industries having to do with water.

Due to how prestigious the school was, students were allowed to supply their own swimsuits, "a rash shirt, really Kyoya?"

"It would hardly be proper to parade myself around shirtless, now would it?" he replied, taking the rest of his equipment out from his locker in the changing room.

Following Kyoya's lead, Tamaki also got his stuff out slightly ashamed he would be, in fact, shirtless. Wait... where's my wallet? I must have dropped it...

"Hey Kyo, I think I dropped my wallet, I'm going to go get it."

Kyoya sighed and followed Tamaki, it brought a smile to his face. The two walked back through the pool area where they saw Takeshi Kuze from the American football club going through Tamaki's wallet. He was known for being Kyoya's enemy despite the fact Kyoya beat him at everything.

"Hey! That's mine!" Tamaki called out.

"Ootori Kyoya, strange seeing you here," he says completely ignoring Tamaki.

"On the contrary. Pleasantries aside, I must ask you to give Tamaki his wallet back now," Kyoya glares.

"Says who?" Takeshi walked closer, sizing up Kyoya.

"Well now, it's just plain stealing if you don't,"  the raven-haired boy refused to back down.

"Not if there's no witnesses."

One second Kyoya was on the ground, the next he found himself in the air falling into the pool. Tamaki took that chance to grab his wallet back and use his 'starlight kick' to defeat Takeshi. He knew Kyoya could swim, but reached out his hand to help his friend out anyway.

"Thanks Kyo," Tamaki said as Kyoya climbed out.

"Don't mention it."

Once Kyoya was out of the pool, he started to walk back to the changing rooms, but Tamaki was frozen in place.

"Tamaki? Are you all right?" He turned to face his friend.

"Kyo..." Tamaki replied, looking down at Kyoya's stomach. Since the shirt of the school uniform was white, having been dunked in water it became see through. "You're tattoo..."

Kyoya couldn't move, couldn't think. Tamaki came closer to him, he properly inspected the tattoo before unbuttoning and pulling down the collar of his shirt.

"It's the same as mine..."

"No.. no, no, no, no, no," Kyoya started to spyral. What? Does... does he not want me?  The thought brought tears to Tamaki's eyes.

"Tamaki," he paused, looking into Tamaki's eyes, "please, don't cry. I... I want you but... you deserve better than me."

"Kyoya Ootori. I did NOT spend my life up until now looking for my soulmate just for him to say he isn't good enough."

"I love you," the said at the same time before pulling in for a kiss.

Once they broke away Tamaki said, "you're really wet."

"How about you clean me up and keep me warm then?" he teased.

"I can't wait... I promise you I will love you, and protect you, and make you happy forever."

"Tamaki, I know you'll do that anyway; promise or not."

And just like that, the two got what they wanted.

Tamakyo AUsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon