Commoner AU - pt3

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Kyoya sat on Tamaki's bed, and Tamaki draped a soft blanket over him, "are you all right? Can I get you anything?"

"Tamaki, it's fine- I'm fine. Thank you, though I don't need your help."

"You can't keep the world at arms-length, Kyoya. You need to rely on someone sometimes."

"I don't, and my childhood holds enough proof."

"Kyoya..." Tamaki stared, his eyes getting wetter by the second, "can I hug you?"

He didn't make a sound, but slowly nodded his head. As Tamaki embraced him, he found himself melting in his arms. He was so warm and soft, and he smelt amazing. Kyoya didn't want to let go, and so the two sat there with their arms wrapped around the other.

As they pulled apart, Kyoya muttered a small thank you.

"You don't need to thank me, Kyoya. You helped me as well, so we're even."

"How?" Kyoya couldn't stop the emotion in his voice.

"Well, that incident showed me what a real friend is, and that they aren't my friends... you are."

"I suppose you can't go through all of that and not be friends afterwards," Kyoya remarked regarding what Tamaki had done for him.

"Yes!" Tamaki shouted, "I befriended the shadow king himself!"

Kyoya let him have his victory, and despite the sour look on his face he was glad, and thankful, and thought Tamaki was absolutely adorable when he smiled.

"So... um... Kyoya, why couldn't you go to your house?" Tamaki's laughter died quickly, he was expressly concerned for his new friend.

"I can't tell you. Not yet."

"Does it have to do with why you choked up and froze?"

The silence was a resounding yes.

"While we're here, we should work on the project," Kyoya broke the silence.

"Good idea! I've been doing a lot of research, and I think you'll be super impressed with it!"

Kyoya sat and watched as Tamaki blabbered on. His eyes were full of light, and Kyoya was glad Tamaki could come to be as passionate about the topic as Kyoya was. 

"That concludes what I've found, what'd you think?" Tamaki asked about ten minutes later. "Wait... what are you smiling at?"

"Oh!" Kyoya pulled his head back down from the clouds, "nothing, don't worry. Anyhow, I'm... as you said, super impressed. It's nice to see you care- about the topic."

"I don't really..." Tamaki trailed off.

"Then why put in all the effort?"

"Well, I saw how happy you looked talking about it when we first met up, and I wanted to... well, make you happy I guess. So, I put in all the effort for you."

Kyoya was speechless, all for him just because of a look he had on his face... he couldn't comprehend why anyone would do that for him or want to make him happy like that.

"Don't tell me you're falling in love already," Tamaki flirted.

"And what if I was?" Kyoya winked back with the same energy.

"I- Uhm... Uh..." he turned bright red, "beat at my own game, how harsh."

"It's surprisingly fun," Kyoya muttered trying to calm his racing heart.

"Then maybe we should do it more often, mon amour."

"Do you speak French?" Kyoya inquired.

"Yeah! My mum is French, and I grew up with her so we spoke in French to each other. Et toi?"

"Oui, Je parle français. Only a little bit though, I'm still learning."

"I could tutor you!"

"Let's focus on this assignment first, Suoh, then I'll think about it," Kyoya tried to conceal how much he'd enjoy that, and the fact he wanted to spend more time with Tamaki.

"We're friends, you can call me Tamaki now," he smiled.

"Hm... Tamaki..." Kyoya said, testing how his name. It made the blond get a rush of butterflies in his stomach, but he couldn't explain why.

The two kept working on their project, and an hour or so later, they were finished.

"High five!" Tamaki yelled throwing out his hand, which caused Kyoya to flinch, "ah... sorry..."

"Hight five, Tamaki," Kyoya said completing the high five, and the smile on Tamaki's face was almost enough to entirely melt his heart.

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