Coping from abandonment

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Not even two weeks later Remus was having a bad day and grabbing some of Janus stuff he left and walking to the fire place and putting the things in slowly just watching the fire in tears. Virgil walked out to Remus and wrapped his arms around the heartbroken boy, "Hey... It's gonna be okay. I'm back and you have me." Remus hugged Virgil back in tears, "I hate him Virgil... I really hate him." Virgil nods rubbing his back, "I know Remus... I know but you're doing amazing okay?" Remus nods slowly hugging him taking deep breaths watching the fire as he added another plush to the fire watching it grow a bit bigger then small again.
On the other hand Janus was in the kitchen making lunch looking at Logan, "Hey you okay? You've been reading more than normal." Logan frowned at him, "I'm okay just worried. You left Remus alone you know he's not good alone." Janus groaned, "Virgil is with him! He will be fine." Logan stood up, "You do not treat someone like that ever." Patton heard it all and sighed, "I'm sorry Remus... And Janus." He muttered curling up hugging his leggings as he leaned against the closet door. Janus heard his voice and walked over and cupped his cheek, "Patton-... Shoot I shouldn't of said that about Remus." He muttered the last part coming back to his senses and he walked backwards letting go off Patton, "I think I should go." He said feeling nauseous from his own words as he ran out to hide in his new room he just cried, 'I'm such a jerk' he thought.
Hours pass and Virgil decided to do a movie night with Remus. Remus was curled up next to Virgil during the movie and leaned on his arm, Virgil knew this would help him relax. Remus looked at the screen, "Why didn't he love me?" Virgil sighed, "He did he just wasn't the one for you." He replied rubbing his arm, "Forget about him okay? He wasn't good for you." Remus nods relaxing from his touch and watching the movie, "Thank you Virgil. I'll be okay?" "Yes you will. I promise Remus." Remus nods at Virgil's words and watched the movie shutting his eyes a bit, "You know sometimes I wish I never let you leave. But you were unhappy." Virgil sighed rubbing his arms, "Yes I know... I missed you Remus." Remus smiled a bit at his words soon nodding falling asleep in his arms.
The next morning Virgil woke up and decided to make breakfast for them both hoping it would make Remus feel better. When Remus woke up he walked over to Virgil sniffling, "I thought you left again..." Virgil looked at him, "Nope just went to make breakfast for us." "Oooh pancakes." Remus grabbed frosting to put on the pancakes.

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