chapter 3 the carless kitten

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You might want to grab some tissues

(Sebastians pov.)

i was holding the young master as he had fallen asleep in my arms after his dinner so careful not to wake him i layed with him on his bed. I plan on taking him to meet some special friends of mine tomorrow and wanted him to get his rest.

The next morning

"Good morning my lord" i said as the young kitten streched in my arms and yawned. He blinked his eyes and looked at me purring as i started to pet him. "Today im taking you to meet a few friends. "Meow" he looked at me curiously i then took him to the kitchen and set him on the counter along with a bowl of milk i poured for him. "Here you go my lord" he licked up the milk happily. After he finished i gently picked him up to take him to the special place. Once we arived in a alley way a few blocks away from the manor i set him down as a few other of my cat friends aproched. At first he simply sat down haveing no idea what to do. I started to pet an orange cat with white stripes. Seeing me do this my lord see ed to get jeolous and started to meow at me with sad eyes. "Jeolous are we now." I said as i picked him up and stroked his fur he seemed to say to the other cats, 'haha see hes mine'. "Now Ciel i brought you here because this is a special place so please do try to be nicer." I said as i set him down.

(Ciel the kittens pov.)

After sebastian set my down i played with the older cats we chased eachother and had lots of fun. Sebastian was petting the injured cats that couldnt play with us i didnt mind. We all turned a corner and i bumped into some one causeing me to fall on my bottom. "Meow" it was a strange man " whatch were your goin next time you dumb animal." He said before kicking me across the ally which caused me to meow loudly in pain.

(Sebastians pov.)

i was busy petting the disabled cats when i heard a loud meow come from some where. I looked up to notice that kitten ciel was gone and i imedidtly ran to the noise. I found a scrufy and dirty man about to kick ciel again and i grabed his neck and threw him against the ally wall. "Its ok now ciel" i gently picked him up he was shuddering and his leg was sprained i took him back to the manor so i could bandage him up.


Hey its me again i hope you are enjoying this so far i really like writing this. Bye for now

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