It was worth it

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I could identify sixteen people, some of them only had half of their heads, but it was better I do it than someone else.
"Wanna come to church with Joe and I?" I'm staring into the eyes of one of the students in the hospital. He has a bandaged arm where a bullet shot through it.
"Yeah," he says, "Yeah, I'd like that."
"We're gonna figure out how to do it safely, I'll send you the details as I know them. This is my number." I've handed out my number a lot today. I figure we all had to go through it, the least we can do is figure it out together.
I look into the next room. I can see jet black hair from here, twinkling grey strands scattered throughout it. My fists clench as I knock on the door, she looks up lost and then nods for me to come in. I step inside.
"I don't think we've ever met formally, my name is Maverick." I smile sadly. She looks at me teary eyed.
"You were in the library with us too," I look at her again, I can feel tears welling up into my eyes.
"I heard you from across the room. You said you wanted to stay to help people get out," I nod slowly. Tears still building in my eyes.
"Did you know her well?"
"No, but my friend did,"
"Yeah," I know we both look broken, I can feel it spreading between us.
"I'm sorry you didn't get the privilege, she was a blessing." She pulls her knees up to her face and wraps her arms around her.
"I had heard as much, and she saved you, which I respect a lot."
Her eyes are filling with more tears.
"Why wouldn't she let me just take the bullet?" She buries her face in her knees.
"Can I give you a hug?" She continues sobbing but nods slightly.
Sitting down on the bed, I take my hand and rub her back.
"I never wanted to date girls before I met her, my mom was horrible to me. I never thought I'd ever be able to redeem them in my eyes. But, she was an angel. I just, why wouldn't she let me die with her?"
"I would have done the same thing aliana did, if Steven hadn't gotten to Joe first, I would have done it right then and there."
"But why? Why leave the rest of us, with the guilt that we should have died?"
"It's not out of guilt that you die for someone. It's out of love."
"But, but it hurts, but it hurts so bad."
I keep rubbing her back.
"So then live like it happened for a reason. Don't let people forget her, and don't ever let anyone forget the sacrifice she made for your soul."
"She said Jesus loves me. No one ever told me that before. They all thought I was going to hell. She thought I could go to Heaven too. That Jesus wanted me too. No one else wanted me. And once again someone died for me. Why do they die? Why can't they just let me die?"
"Because they thought it was a price worth paying, and I bet you, if she had to go back, she'd do the same thing over again."
She's sobbing now, leaning into my arms, I have my arms around her.
"But, I'm going to miss her,"
"I know," I whisper, putting my chin over the top of her head.
"We're trying to get a bunch of people to come to church with us this Sunday, if you want to go. I'll protect you." Which makes her cry more.

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