Pepa x Felix (angst)

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Requested by AliceSmithoff

Pepa Madrigal Pov

It was 9:00am and the whole family was sitting around the dinner table except for mami. "Hm I wonder why she hasn't woken up yet she's normally awake by this time" I say as I take a bite of my arepa. "I agree it's strange to not see abuela up by now" Maribel said looking up. "I'll go get her" I announce and start heading upstairs. I knock on her door. "Mami? I'm coming in" I say but I don't get a response so I iust walk in. I see her laying down on her bed and I shake her. "Cmon mami its time to wake up" Again no response and I start worrying. "Mami? Wake up" With no response yet again I check her pulse only to not find one. I stand in shock as silent tears stream down my face and I begin thundering. "Julietta!! Bruno!! Come quick" I yell as a sob manages to escape and I hear footsteps quickly come up the stairs. "Pepa what's the matter?" Julietta asked as she and Bruno stood near the door. "Mami...she's gone" As that sentence leaves my mouth they cover their mouths in shock. I slowly start leaving the room my lip quivering and my cloud begins pouring down on me. "Pepi, mi vida, what's the matter? I heard you yell for Julietta and Bruno" Felix questioned and I just break down. I feel his arms wrap around me in a tight hug. I bury my head in his shoulder and I start crying.

Felix Madrigal Pov
I hold Pepa close to me as she cries. It's not like a normal cry this one is completely heartbreaking. She's crying hard and her breathing is ragged. The kids come running up the stairs and Augustin goes into Alma's room where Julietta and Bruno are. "What's wrong mama?" Antonio asked as he walked to us. She doesn't reply it just starts raining and thundering as she continues sobbing. "Abuela..she's gone isn't she?" Dolores asked even though I think she already knew the answer. Pepa just nods and holds me tighter. "I'm taking her into her room" I say as I start walking her over there. We go in and I set her on the bed. "Mi vida..I know your hurting and I understand. She was your mother and I know that it's going to take time but eventually you'll feel better. I can't say that you'll be fully over her death though but I will be here anytime you need me" I say as I kiss her forehead and she pulls away slightly wiping vigorously at her face. "I'm going to miss her amor..a lot" She said with more tears in her eyes. Seeing her like this was enough to make tears come into my eyes. "I know...but it'll be okay" I say as I pull her in for a tight hug. Although her clothes were absolutely soaked I didn't care. She needed me right now and I wasn't going to leave her here to deal with this alone.

Heyo I hope you enjoyed this! Hopefully no one cried😬 May Alma Rest In Peace😔

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