Julietta and Pepa angst (not shipping)

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Pepa Madrigal Pov

He left...mama didn't even really acknowledge the fact that he left. She just said that he didn't care about us. Julietta and I knew that he did care. He was the most caring person we knew. I held a grudge about the wedding and I just wanted to stay away from his visions but as of now...I would kill to hear him say something about one. Whether it's good or bad I just want my brother back. It begins thundering and I pace around the kitchen. "Why do you think he might've left Etta? I mean there has to be a reason..he wouldn't just abandon his family for no reason...right?" I look into her eyes and she looks tired. "Pepa you know he wouldn't just leave us..he loved us just as we loved him" Although her words sounded true there was a sense of doubt that filled the air. Then mami walked in. "Pepa your thundering and Julietta why aren't you in town?? We have to take care of the village so hurry up! The crops need to be watered as well so were gonna need rain but just rain" She orders us around and we just nod. "Sorry mama" We say in sync and start heading out. "Clear skies..or uh rainy skies rainy skies.." I  change my mantra trying to get to it to rain and stop thundering. It starts raining and I head off towards the fields.

Julietta Madrigal Pov

This is hard..not having all of your family together. Knowing that Bruno left has made me feel..well out of place. Him, Pepa, and I have been inseparable since forever and it's hard to not have him here. I mean who knows how long he'll be gone? We could have to spend birthdays without him..that'll be strange. I wonder if he left because of something he saw. What if...what if it was something horrible? What if someone got hurt? I shake my head and mumble. "Don't let your thoughts drift that far" I continue walking pushing my cart of arepas to the usual spot. Normally Bruno would help me with this. As I stop people start lining up. Someone walks up their face swollen I quickly give them an arepa. "Gracias Julietta!" They say with a smile and continue walking. It goes on like this for hours. It's still raining so I assume Pepa is either still watering crops or upset which is understandable. As the last person comes up and takes the last arepa I go ahead and start pushing the cart back but on the way back the wheel gets stuck in mud. "Great..just great" I start trying to push it out of the mud and I see Pepa. "Pepa! Help me out here" She notices me and comes over. "What's the matter Etta?" I just point at the wheel. "Oh lo siento I didn't mean to get it this muddy" She apologizes to which I shake my head to. "Listen Pepa were both upset so it's okay no need to apologize now come on help me push this back home" She gives a sympathetic smile and helps me push it back. Once we got back we were soaked. I mean it's been raining on us for hours that explains it. We grab towels and sit down in the kitchen. It's just quiet. The both of us thinking about the same thing, Bruno, were still stuck on the fact that he left. Tears fill my eyes I hear thunder and look up at Pepa. She looks at me and I open my arms to which she comes in for a hug. She starts crying and I just hug her tighter. "It's okay Pepa..let it out" I say trying not to let my own tears escape. I feel her start to pull away tears still streaming down her face. "Julietta I know that you need to cry..you don't have to try and stay strong all the time just because your older" She says as she pulls me back into a hug. I let it out. We slowly lower on to the floor hugging one another just crying. Eventually we stop crying but stay in the embrace. Right now we needed each other. After a while we hear footsteps. "Pepi? Mi vida?" "Julietta? Are you guys okay?" We hear Agustin and Felix's voices as they enter the kitchen. We pull apart from our hug and sniffle. "Were in here"

I hope you liked this one! Idk if there are any spelling errors because I didn't check but yeah leave requests in the comments.

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