connor-Summer Evening.(NR)

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NR stands for not requested.

It was a warm summer evening, the air thick and dry. You and your long-term boyfriend, Connor, were relaxing by the small stream in his backyard. Ziio and Haytham were inside the house, no doubt enjoying the air conditioning. This heat was killing you. Suddenly a mischievous idea came across your mind. Knowing that Connor is ticklish, you ran your fingers across his ribs, causing him to squirm, lose his balance, and fall into the stream. He laughed as he pulled you in, getting you as drenched as he was. Night settled, and you and him lay under the stars. "[Y/n] I love you" he says quietly. You look at him, staring into his chocolate eyes. "Connor I love you too. " you reply, kissing him.

Meh it was short and kinda crappy but this is my first and ill eventually get better.

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