Connor - Goodbye NR

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It was late.

Your mind replayed what had happened earlier in the day.

You heard a knock on the door. "Bennett, stay here. Mommy has to get the door." You said to your 1 year old son. He was the spitting image on Connor. He was born shortly after Connor was called to Iraq for the war. He knew about his daddy, but never met him. You opened the door, and a man in uniform was there. "Hello. You must be Connor's wife, y/ n?" He said as you invited him in. "Yes. Has something happened?" You say. There was an inkling in the back of your head fearing the worst. "You may want to sit down..." he said. Your heart sunk. "I'm sorry to inform you but Connor was shot and killed in the line of duty." He said.
You broke down. Bennett had no idea why mommy was crying, but he cried with you. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs Kenway." The man said as he hugged you.

You poured yourself another glass of wine. Your beloved Connor, your husband of only 3 years, was dead. You had been through so much with him. A stillborn daughter, the death of Achilles, your parents being in a car wreck. You closed your eyes as you remembered the most tragic of them all.

Giovanna Rose. Your stillborn baby girl. You and Connor found out you were expecting her just 2 months after getting married. She was conceived on the wedding night. The pregnancy went well until at the 7th month scan.

There was no heartbeat.

You and Connor were left alone to decide how you wanted to end the pregnancy. They could surgically remove her, or you could be induced and give birth to her. You both opted for the latter. You had carried her that far, she deserved to be born.
That night, you were induced. With every contraction, Connor cried. For both you and Giovanna. When you were finally close enough, you cried the whole time. When they placed her unmoving body on you, you held her tightly as Connor held you. You wanted to warm her up. They allowed you and Connor to clean her, and spend a night with her before they took her away. That night, she laid between you and a shirtless Connor, who silently cried the whole night. When you awoke, her body was warm, almost as if she was alive. They allowed you and Connor to say goodbye.

The tears poured out of your eyes.

A week later, Connor was being buried. You were handed the flag and Connor's medal of honor. He was buried next to Giovanna. As the people begin to clear away, you walked to the casket, and placed a single rose on there.

"Goodbye, Connor."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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