Haytham - The Movies (NR)

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Your friend since 4th grade when you moved, had asked you to the movies much to your delight. Ever since you met him, you had a crush in him. You arrive at the theater, and stand by the door. No sight of Haytham yet. 6:14. The movie starts in 6 minutes.  Then you see him. Those icy blue eyes. "Hey sorry I'm a bit late." He says with a smile as he pulls you in for some hug. You accept the hug "it's fine. Let's find some seats."

Once you find the seats, a familiar face sits in front of you. Your ex and his new girlfriend. "Oh hey [y/n] is this your new boyfriend?" He says with a smirk. You look at Haytham who winks at you, then you pull him in for a passionate kiss. Your ex turns in shock. He gets up and moves to a different part.

"Well I could get used to that" Haytham says, his eyes wide.

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