Deputy Sheriff

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Sheriff Smith's P.O.V

For the past three weeks of interrogating both Parker and Daniel for information, Kiara went through a lot of obstacles to become part of the team. I wasn't a bit surprised when she passed every last obstacle, while her and Jones were on their way back to the precinct, Janet and Kate helped me get the precinct decorated for Kiara's congratulations party I decided to throw at the last minute,

Kate:"Just when your team thought they only have to deal with you, now Kiara too?"

I smiled and turned around,

Me:"They'll get a lot of laughs around here."
Kate:"Along with annoyance."
Me:"Aren't you going a little far there, Kate?"

I chuckled but looked towards the door seeing Jones walk in holding the bridge of his nose in frustration, my eyebrow rose but soon lowered when Kiara walked in laughing.

Me:"What's the matter Jones?"
Deputy Jones:"Your girlfriend.."

His hand dropped to his side as Kiara just smiled then rested her elbow on Jones shoulder,

Deputy Jones:"Do not send me on calls with her please."
Me:"Doll, what did you do?"

Kiara moved then slid to her right,

Kiara:"Sheriff threw a party in the county jail, the prison band was there and they began to wail.."

I laid my hand on my face and shook my head,

Kate:"Good luck with your decision sheriff."

I moved my hand to reveal my smile,

Me:"Get over here doll."

Kiara jogged over to me so I wrapped my arm around her shoulder,

Me:"Now we can't annoy our deputies my dear Deputy sheriff."
Kiara:"That's not annoying them sheriff, I believe that's called entertainment."
Deputy Jones:"Annoying entertainment."
Kiara:"Well if I recall, your ass tried to say BB King was the king of rock. Sir your wrong, BB is the king of blues while our boy Elvis is the king of rock, I'm going to probably regret asking you this Jones but who is the prince of darkness?"
Deputy Jones:"Our sheriff."

Kiara and I laughed,

Kiara&I:"Nope, Ozzy Osbourne."
Me:"Don't you start with me now."
Kiara:"Can't start if it's already been started."

I rolled my eyes before the rest of the team gathered around,

Janet:"Welcome to the team Ki."
Kiara:"Thank you darling."
Janet:"Glad to finally have another female around."
Kiara:"Now they have to stop talking about balls."

Janet and Kiara laughed,

Me:"Not a chance."
Kiara:"Oh before I forget, did they give up their boss?"
Me:"No, still haven't given me a name or anything. But, don't worry about them doll. Just injoy your small party."
Deputy Jones:"Yes! Let's get drunk and forget what happened."
Kiara:"Easier said then done, Jones."

Jones forced a beer in Kiara's hand which she nonchalantly held up, I took the other one from Jones and smiled. Jones sighed then grabbed another one for himself,

Me:"To our newest member, Kiara Ragnar! With her here we will be the best law enforcement team anybody will hear about."

Kiara grinned while shaking her head, everyone gathered closer to clink the beer bottles together. After Kiara took her first drink she leaned up against Janet's desk,

Me:"After a month of getting the hang of how things work around here, I set up a trip for you and I."
Kiara:"What gave you the idea to do that boss?"
Me:"I'll never get used to that but nothing well, with everything that happened I figured I could get you away from here. Besides a month? That's plenty of time to get those two to tell us who their boss is, we can go make the arrest then case closed."
Kiara:"Will it? Not to be a downer John but most cases like this are assumed closed when their not."
Me:"What happened to you telling me to stay positive about things? You should take your own advice."
Kiara:"Yea your right. So how about you and I head to the cells?"
Me:"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Kiara:"Probably not."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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