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Bucky had spent the past week in Whitehall, talking through strategies in long, monotonous, meetings with people he didn't particularly like, or want to spend time with. The only thing stopping him walking out of the meetings was watching (Y/N), who sat between Colonel Phillips and Lieutenant General Harrison, of the British Army.

Everyone wanted to talk to Dr (L/N) now. The privates wanted to see his powers, the aviators of the Royal Air Force wanted to see him fly, the scientists wanted to take his blood and experiment on him, and every man in charge wanted him for their own.

Presently, in this particular meeting, Lieutenant General Harrison was arguing with Colonel Phillips. The fat, old, lietenant general wanted (Y/N), in simple terms, to fly himself over to Berlin and kill Hitler himself – whether that be by dropping a building on him and his personal guard, or by using his powers to explode Hitler's brain.

For the majority of the meeting, (Y/N) had been pulling faces at Steve, trying his hardest to make him laugh, something Bucky Barnes found genuinely entertaining. Steve was so serious in these meetings; although Bucky had found that (Y/N) (L/N) poking his tongue out and going cross-eyed had evoked a silent chuckle from him.

'Hitler's killed and then what happens Lieutenant General?' Colonel Phillips asked loudly, 'his second in command takes his place, his invasion of Europe ensues.'

'Dr (L/N) is a British citizen, he should be fighting for his own country,' said the admiral of the Royal Navy, 'I doubt his father...'

Suddenly, (Y/N) stopped making faces at Steve, his expression grew confused, his lips transforming into a baffled half-smile. Even Peggy, who sat to Colonel Phillip's right, looked rather perplexed.

'My father died when his ship was sunk crossing the channel to France, Admiral Jones,' (Y/N) spat at the head of his country's navy, a grey-haired, sickly looking man. 'Lieutenant General, my brother was taken prisoner whilst fighting in your army. My uncle went missing in action whilst doing the same. My mother worries about her oldest son whilst grieving her husband's death; my auntie's concern for her husband grows by the day, whilst my seven year old cousin cries because her dad may never tuck her into bed again.'

'W-w-well, Dr (L/N)...' the lieutenant general tried, but (Y/N) soon shushed him.

'I wasn't allowed to join your army, Lieutenant General,' he stated plainly, 'I applied to join the ranks as a medic, and you rejected my application because of my body mass index, despite the fact I was in my fourth year of medical school, and therefore more than qualified to do the job, unlike so many of the men you hired – you too admiral.'

'Well, that is beside the point Dr...' Admiral Jones attempted to cut in.

'That is exactly the point, Admiral,' (Y/N) (L/N) almost laughed, 'I was made chief medical officer of the 107th Infantry Regiment of the US Army the moment I applied and completed my basic training, despite being a foreigner with no previous military experience.'

Bucky smiled at (Y/N), silently urging him to continue, he'd been desperate for any sort of entertainment in these meetings for the past week. 'Dr (L/N)....' Lieutenant General Harrison stood up.

'I'm not finished,' (Y/N) snapped.

Colonel Phillips locked eyes with Bucky, his face shining with pride. He must have been enjoying the confrontation as much as him.

The lieutenant colonel returned to his seat sheepishly. 'I remain with the US Army,' (Y/N) said sternly. 'I'd love to fight for my country, but Sergeant Barnes, Captain Rogers, and I are fighting for something so much more than a country. And after all the discussions we've had this week, I know you understand what we're fighting for. I will continue fighting HYDRA, because without them gone, there's no country, or world, worth saving.'

The Red Soldier: Origins of the Red SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now