Chapter 4: Bonding Time

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The sound of distant humming was what woke me up, it made me open my light blue eyes, and search for the thing responsible for the sound.

I lifted my self from the bed, my pale feet hit the floor, the sound of my feet padding the floor. I notice Luisa sitting at the dinning table, book in one hand, and cup of tea in the other. Her head turns towards me, her hazel eyes meeting mine, sending me a soft, comforting smile.

"Hot water is in the kettle, tea bags are in the left cabinet," she informs me, looking back at her book. I nod, making my way swiftly to the kitchen, opening the cabinet. After getting my tea ready, I place my hand on my stomach, cursing myself for being hungry.

I ignore my stomach, walking to the small dining table with my cup in hand. "Good morning," I say softly, earning her attention, "Good morning, I have to get to my chores in a half an hour. No rush, just quickly get ready," she says, taking a sip of her tea.

"How did you sleep last night?" I asked, grabbing her book from her grasp, placing the bookmark on her page. Luisa grasps my hand, "I slept well, how about you?" she question, looking at my face intently, seeing if I had an dark circles under my eyes. "It was peaceful, thank you for helping me out. It was quite embarrassing, but thanks," I duck my face, looking at my cup of tea, taking a sip.

Squeezing my hand lightly, she lifts it to her lips, placing a kiss on the back of my hand, "You're welcome," she mumbles against my hand. Heat rushes to my cheeks, not wanting her hand to stop holding mine, and for her to keep looking at me like that.

It took me about not even ten minutes to get ready to leave, I got out of her shirt, which I kept. I folded it, placing it in my satchel, throwing my skirt and shirt on again. I stood in front of the house, waiting for her to lock up the door.

I took this time to admire the clearing a bit more than I did last night. In the morning light, the trees leaves were changing into yellow and red ones or were falling onto the ground randomly. The breeze was less cold from the night before, it was a calm warm breeze. The sun was hitting my skin, making me warm up instantly before I threw on my cloak.

The feeling of my cloak on my body broke any wind from hitting my body, making me bask in its warmth. I was just trying to be in the now, not worrying about anything in the world. My heart was beating steadily, my mind was at peace. I felt free, free from the pain, free from the struggles.

But that lasted for only a couple minutes, when Luisa grabbed my hand, soliciting my attention. "Ready to go, Hermosa?" She asked, which made me nod my head quickly, making her chuckle at me.

Once we got back to the village, I went to my house, checking in with my Aunt. Changing, packing and getting ready to go over to the Madrigals with Mariano. I now wore a blue skirt with a pastel blue over the shoulder shirt, my sandals were slipped over my feet, bag that had blankets, and sleepwear in it, over my shoulder.

Mariano met me in the kitchen, holding out a apple for me to eat, he knew I wasn't much of a meal kind of person in the morning. "So, how was your night?" He asked, curiosity evident on his face, "It was amazing, I got more sleep than I usually do. Thanks to Luisa," I say, earning a heartfelt smile.

We walked out of the house, arm in arm, heading down the sidewalk. "I've been working on some poetry if you'd like to hear it, I want to run it by someone before I tell it to Dolores," a lovesick grin on his Carmel skin, I smile at his innocence. "Yeah, go ahead. We've got a bit of a walk, I love your poetry," is squeeze his arm in support, to which he started to speak, and I listened intently.

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