Meeting Him: Naga Nagendra

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"Come on, Ms. (L/N)!" Your kids called, bouncing Infront of the gates of the zoo. Managing to get the last of the students off the bus, you frowned when you saw the 10 students running around and spinning in excitement. Sure, you can keep track of them with their matching neon (F/C) shirts, but getting their attention is a whole different thing from keeping track of them.

"Hocus Pocus." You screamed raising your hand, so they all could see you.

Instantly they all gathered around you in excitement, "Everybody focus!"

Satisfied with that, you smiled at them, "Alright class, everyone has their bags, maps, and buddy?"

"Yes, Ms. (L/N)." They cheered. 

Leading them to the gate, you paused when you saw that there were several tables set up. One of the employees noticed that you saw them and waved you over.

"Welcome to the zoo everyone!" He cheered, "I see you've noticed our raffle. First ticket is free. The rest cost."

"What does the winner get?" You asked, noticing the shrug he gave.

"No one knows. Not even us. Only the zoo owner knows. I'm sure it's something educational for the little ones though." He laughed, "What do you say kids. Who wants something new for your class?"

Sighing in annoyance that he got your students riled up again, you nodded and filled out the ticket quickly. Earning a cheer from your students and from him.

"What do you say to another one?" He tried to bargain, but the glare you sent him silenced him.

"No." You growled at him through your still cheering students, "Hocus Pocus!"

"Everybody focus!" They chanted back. Even he looked impressed with how quickly you were able to quiet the kids.

"Alright everyone let's head to fairytale land." You announced, motioning for the kids to look at the map. Each one pointing to the same trail as they marched down it. Thankfully it was the right one. 

This area was specifically made several years ago when all of these creatures were found in a deep, dark market trade route. Creatures such as minotaur, satyrs, centaurs, as such. The government decided that they should be put in zoos for educational purposes until they could decide what else to do with them.

Hearing your kids excited chatter, you peered through the glass of the closest containment. Blinking at the snake like man who was lying on a large rock but was looking at you and the kids. He must have been a new addition. Noticing the label, you cleared your throat to get everyone's attention.

"Who can tell me what this creature is?" You called, chuckling as some of the kids ran to read the label, while others were focusing on the creature.

"It's called a Naga." A girl answered as you went to stand in front of the glass.

"That's right. Now who can tell me how big a naga is?" You called.

"It's as big as you?" A boy blurted out. Laughing at his answer, you could hear a lot of the adults nearby were even laughing at his answer.

"How do you know that?" You teased.

"He's right there." They all explained, pointing behind you. 

Looking over your shoulder, you blinked at the Naga who was now close to the glass, near you. He was posed to your height and gave you a fanged grin, before stretching further up. Earning gasps from your students.

"So, looks like he's a little taller than we thought." You hummed, hearing your name being called over a loudspeaker, "Okay kids, we have to go. Say bye bye to Mr. Naga." 

"Bye Mr. Naga." They all called waving to him as he laid down on the ground by the window. You even gave him a small wave that he returned before you went to lead your class to the office. Doing a quick head count as you went. All your students were there, so you didn't understand why you were called up.

Noticing the man standing there, he gave you a smile, "Ms. (L/N), I see you brought a lot of little ones with you. You must be a teacher, right?"

"I am. Was there any trouble?" You asked, earning a laugh from him.

"No. The opposite actually. You won our draw. You get one of our prizes."

"Yeah! Ms. (L/N) won!" Wincing at your students scream, you frowned when he mocked the student's extreme excitement.

"What did I win?" You questioned.

"Our Naga." Blinking at him, you tried to make sense of what he said.

"You mean like a toy Naga?"

"No. Our actual Naga." He explained, "The creatures are being given to random lucky people. You are one of those people."

Still not believing him, you went quiet when you heard people's hushed whispers behind you. Looking behind you, your students, backed up behind you as the Naga was lead down the path with a muzzle and restraints. Though the Naga wasn't putting up a fight at all.

"Nagendra, meet your new owner, Ms. (L/N)." The man announced, "She's going to come pick you up after school is out."

The Naga only glanced at you, before letting the zookeepers lead him into a building.

"Congratulations, Ms. (L/N)." the man cheered again before following them inside. You didn't even get a chance to protest. Still not sure what all just happened, you turned to your students to see them all watch you with opened mouthed shocked faces.

"So, shall we continue the field trip?" You offered, hoping to distract them from what just happened.

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