His Feelings: Crux

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Watching carefully as Dr. Astrol examined (Y/N), I tried to ignore the disapproving look he would occasionally give me, when (Y/N) wasn't looking. (Y/N) insisted she come here though. Worried about her missing memories.

"Well (Y/N), you're perfectly healthy for a human." He assured her, though I noticed her frown.

"Why aren't my memories returning then?" She asked.

"Give it time." Dr. Astrol cooed, patting her head with a red claw, "The trauma of losing your planet is big. Personally, I don't know anyone who would want to remember their planet's destruction."

That at least got a weak laugh out of her. She acts happy, but I know she misses her home. When she thinks I'm not looking, I see that she gets a far off look on her face. Almost like she's going to cry. I've done all I can think of to keep that look off her face.

"Thank you, Dr. Astrol." She sighed, moving to slid off the bed, until I stopped, her.

"Go ahead and change back. I'll get you some water and we can get some food on the way to our room." I offered, as she gave me a smile and nod.

Following the doctor out the door, I made sure we were a little way away from her door before I spoke.

"Is she ever going to get her memories back?" I questioned, noticing the glare he gave me.

"Her memories were whipped more times than recommended. First by her father then by you." He growled, "It's only supposed to be done once. I know you took extra care of her afterwards, but it's too soon to tell if she'll get them back or not."

"I would prefer if she didn't remember." I grumbled, "Her father separated us for a year. It only took two days before I knew I loved her, and he made her forget me. Didn't even give me a chance to get her to fall for me."

"You didn't think to talk to her before you cleared her memory?" He sighed.

"She was convinced that I wasn't good by then. To her, I was just a random alien her father was protecting her from. If she doesn't remember, then I'll have chance to make her fall for me. Not everyone can say they have a chance like this."

"No one should have a chance at the cost of someone else. Not like this." He growled, "She's suffering because she feels like a part of her is missing. You weren't fair to her."

Staying quiet, I glanced down the hall where I saw her poke her head out. Looking around until she saw us  and she started towards us.

"I don't want her to hate me, Doc. I couldn't handle it if she hates me." I sighed, before giving her a smile, "I thought you were going to wait for me."

"I got hungry. Figured I could just get water when we get food." She chuckled, hugging me, so I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"That sounds good." I agreed, "Thank you again, Dr. Astol."

"Remember, come back if you get any headaches." he instructed her, making her nod.

Leaving the office, I tried to keep the grin off my face when, I felt her wrap her arms around mine. Humans are some of our smallest species on this ship. Even (Y/N) is just barely to my chest. There are creatures much taller than me. She's admitted that she's intimidated by a lot of the creatures here. The ones that are my height or smaller she's okay with. However, she's said she feels safer with me. 

Glancing down at her, I saw that she had that same far off look on her face again. I don't like it. I just want her to be happy. I want her to love me as much as I love her.

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