Drider: Ragno Catch Up

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Meeting Him

"What do you think the natives are like?" You asked, standing straighter when your father put a hand on your shoulder.

"You are the most curious person I've ever meet." He chuckled, looking back to the door, "We will see soon."

Hearing the door start to creek open, all eyes turned to the back. Only the peace treaty messenger has seen the natives. He refused to say anything about them though. That just made you even more curious. Now, you can finally see them.

The exciting chatter immediately turned to whispers as the spider like people entered. You had never seen anything like them. Their top halves were human, but their spider bottoms were almost larger than a horse. Noticing the armor and weapons they had, you were a little surprised, they were more advanced than you thought. Watching their leader sit with yours, you studied the closest drider. The first thing you noticed about him was that he was very fluffy. If it wasn't for the large sword he hands and the scar on his face, he would be cute. Realizing that his eight eyes turned to you, it creeped you out a little. Turning back to the leaders, you smiled when they signed the paper before them. The peace treaty is in place.

"Until our people are more comfortable with each other, only a few can be allowed to enter each other's territories with guards." The woman drider announced, "My guards Ragno and Hena will be our representatives and guard your people when they come to ours."

"Understandable." Your leader agreed motioning for you and your father to step forward, "(F/N) and his daughter, (Y/N) are the ones I chose." 

Tensing when the guard driders moved closer, you looked up at the fuzzy one that stood before you.

"Ragno." He huffed, holding a handout to you.

"(Y/N)." You greeted shaking his hand, "I look forwards to learning more about your people."

He didn't say anything, but he did nod. That some more progress, you guess. Watching him leave with his tribe, you finally felt like you could breathe.

"Were they what you expected?" Your father teased nudging you playfully.

"They're a little scary, but they seem okay. When's our first time beyond the fence?"

Meeting Again

Trying not to trip over your own feet, you sprinted to where you know there's a river. The creature chasing you has made it very clear that it wants you for its next meal. Ironic since you were out here doing that same thing. Skittering to a stop at a large canyon, you felt instant panic hit you. You were sure that there was a river this way or was it further away? Hearing the screamed behind you decided that now wasn't a time to wonder. Running along the canyon, you sighed in relief when you saw a fallen tree over it. Almost like a bridge over it. Climbing on, you tried your best to not look down as you made your way across. The tree suddenly started turning, making you drop to a knee for balance. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the large cat like creature testing it before carefully moving closer to you. 

This is not how you plan on dying. Getting back to your feet, you tried moving faster. Glancing over your shoulder again to see it lunge at you. It landed just in front of you, but the tree turned as it landed. Making you scream as you and the creature fell into the canyon. You didn't want to die like this either. It's not like you're getting a choice now. Closing your eyes as you felt yourself flipping, you grunted in slight pain as you felt something sticky wrap around you. Whatever it was had stopped your fall though. Peeking your eyes open, you saw the creature in front of you. Also stuck on some kind of white thread. Moving a little, you hissed in pain as the thread around your wrists and waist tightened. Definitely not going to do that again. If you can't move though, then that means the creature can't either.

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