Centaur: Titus Catch Up

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Meeting Him

"(Y/N), come on. The trailer's here." Your Papa called.

"Coming." You cheered, bouncing in excitement as Claude, the satyr gave you a small, basket of food.

You and your grandfather were going to have a picnic after you helped whatever creature he bought. Running outside with the almost to big basket, you skittered to a stop by him. Letting him take the basket from you. It was starting to get heavy anyway.

You could hear your Papa talking to the men, so you peeked into the open trailer. There was a little centaur at the very back. He was curled up as much as possible in clear fear. There were chains around his neck and wrists. Moving out of the way as the seller went in, you frowned when he grabbed the chains and dragged the boy out. The boy didn't even fight. Just kept his head down.

"Here, little girl. Why don't you take him?" The man scoffed, handing you the chains.

Disgusted by the dirty chains, you knew the boy didn't like them either. Working the chains off him, you offered him a smile that he didn't return. He just looked down again.

"I'm (Y/N)." You chirped, trying to be friendly, "What's your name?"

"Titus." He whispered, before his stomach growled.

"Oh, you're hungry. Hold on. Wait here." Going to your Papa, you took the basket from him.

He was still talking to the man, but it sounded like they were almost done. Setting the basket down by Titus, you pulled out the snacks that you were going to have. Giving them to him, earning a confused look from him.

"You're giving me human food?" He gasped, "Why?"

"Well, you're hungry. Around here everyone eats the same thing. No matter what you are." You explained, proud that you remembered your Papa's exact words, "There are a lot of other creatures like you here too. We even have a satyr, Curtis. Oh, and there's mermaids too. They're my favorite."

"(Y/N)." Looking up at your Papa's call, you saw him standing over the two of you with a grin, "Making friends already?"

"Yep. His name is Titus." You introduced, as Papa knelt down to your level.

"Titus, huh? How old are you, Titus?" 

"4 sir." Titus answered looking down.

"So, you're about (Y/N)'s age. Well tell me, are you hungry." You couldn't help but giggling as Titus nodded eagerly, "Let's go in and get you something to eat. Then we'll show you around."

Grabbing Titus's hand, you started to follow your Papa inside, but stopped on the porch when a car pulled up. Your eyes widening when you mom stepped out.

"(Y/N)!" She called waving excitedly, "Come on. It's time to go home."

Blinking at her, you looked between her, your grandfather, and Titus. You really didn't want to leave since you just meet Titus. You can't remember the last time you've been home though. Giving Titus a hug, you hugged your grandfather too. Blinking in surprise when you mom suddenly picked you up and carried you to the car to leave.

Meeting again

Nodding a thanks to the Satyr for dropping your bag off in the room, you felt a little nervous here. It's been nearly 14 years since you were last here and you don't really remember much. The satyr was a surprise for sure. It made you wonder what other creatures were on this ranch

"Your Grandfather is in the barn." The Satyr explained, making you nod again. 

Not trusting yourself to speak, in case you sounded afraid. Shuffling past him, you hurried out to the barn. The barn was mostly empty with the doors open. Chances are that the others are working in the fields. You couldn't even see your grandfather though.

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