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I would never have imagined that I would be arrested. On top of that, arrested for breaking into the home of one of the people I most admired in this world. Just remembering Camila's closed expression when she saw that I was the intruder in her house, my stomach churned. She sure thinks I'm crazy, and maybe I am, and she's going to ask Drake to fire me. What was on my mind? I think I took this obsession further than I should have.

The cops kept talking about donuts.

—Hey, cop! — I call a chubby cop who was sitting in a chair reading a copy of Sports Illustrated.

- What you want? He approaches, looking bored.

— Can you tell me what time it is?

He looks at his wristwatch.— 2 am. 

Oh my god, it was too late! Dinah and Ally must have been worried.

"Can I make my call now? - He makes a face, and I read on the sign on his uniform that his name is Timbers. - "Thanks, Timbers." I say as he opens my cell door.

Timbers takes me to a corner of the police station where there was a phone, on the way several police officers stare at me and I smile.

- "You stay there." Timbers walks away. I decide to call Ally's cell phone, who answers quickly.

- Hello? She has a hushed voice.

— Hi, Ally. It's me, Lauren.

— Lauren! – She screams, and I hear Dinah's voice in the background: 'Did that bastard show any sign of life?'

"Ally, listen, I can't be long. I need you to pick me up here at the 23rd precinct.

— Police station, but why?

"Let's say I was arrested.

- What? Ally screams. "Why did you do that Lauren Michelle? What's your problem?

"Look Ally, I'll explain later. You can come here?

- He is well. Dinah and I are heading over there. — And hang up the phone. Timbers approaches again.

"Back to the cell, Jauregui." I Snorted, frustrated at having to go back to that stuffy place. I sit on the floor of the cell and Timbers places a chair next to me, but obviously outside the cell. 

Dinah and Ally were furious and my head hurt just thinking about the scolding I was going to get. I try to fall asleep, but obviously I can't. I desperately wanted to go home. It takes about 20 minutes, I think, before I hear a voice that makes me jump for joy. Ally.

— Ally! Ally! — The short one has a serious expression, talking to the deputy, who was the one who arrested me. She shows him some papers and approaches me.

'What was on your mind?' Her voice is furious. "Invading private property, and Cabello's house on top of that?"

- I...

'You squib! You have no idea how worried Dinah and I were, Lauren Jauregui." I feel embarrassed and I lower my head.

- I'm sorry, Ally, I only did this because I wanted to somehow feel close to her. Do you understand? 

Ally sighs, taking my hand. 

"Look, I'm going to get you out of here, okay? Dinah is outside and I called Zach. He's worried sick and the only reason he won't come is because Amber has a lot of colic." 

I feel a little better knowing Ally called Zach. Zacharias Smith, or Zach, was my childhood best friend. We've known each other since we were 8 years old and we're inseparable. He is a biochemist, married to James Dawlish, also a biochemist. The two met in their freshman year of college and have a daughter named Amber, who they adopted from a teenage mother who didn't want the child. Amber is 7 months old and the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Okay, Allycat. Thank you.

Ally walks away, leaving me alone with Timbers and my guilty thoughts. I was just screwed. A long time passes and the deputy approaches my cell.

"You are released, Miss Jauregui."

— Released?

— Yes. Ms. Cabello dropped the charge against you. She is here and ordered us to release her."

I jump and he opens the door, taking my handcuffs off. I come out of there hesitantly, not knowing exactly what to do. Camilla released me? And was it here? By the time I get to the police station hall, I see Camila standing there. She stares at me, her beautiful eyes sparkling, more wonderful than ever. She wears a black jacket, and I realize with amazement that it was my jacket, left on the floor of her stairs.

— Hi, Lauren. She says smiling. How many times have I not dreamed of this day? The day she would know my name.

"Hi." I speak shyly.

"Did you hear that I dropped the charge against you?"

"Yes." I lower my head, stunned.

- Excellent. You and I have matters to discuss. But I want you to go home and rest. Miss Brooke is outside waiting for you."

I'm embarrassed that she knows Ally's name and says she has business with me.

- All right. — She hands me a card, which has her name and a number on it.

- This is my number. I want you to call me back as soon as you can.

I nod, amazed to finally have her number. This is so weird. Camila walks away, heading towards the exit, but stops.

- I loved your jacket. - He says and leaves, leaving me with my mouth open.

I sign some papers, grab my cell phone and head outside. Freedom.

Dinah and Ally are standing next to the officers. Ally hugs me and we get in the car.

"Do you have shit on your head, Lauren? I always knew you were retarded, after all you're a fan of Camila, but breaking into her fucking house?" Dinah says finally, after a few minutes of silence.

"We were worried sick. Ally even cried.

"I'm sorry, Dinah. Seriously. I didn't think straight." She shuts up and I see Ally smile in the rearview mirror.

- It's gonna be okay.

I try to believe your words, but to no avail. Camila's presence at the police station is not mentioned and I am pleased. I didn't want to have to explain things. Soon we're home and I run to the shower.

Ally and Dinah don't say anything to me, understanding that I wanted to be alone. I lay on my bed, thinking about everything that had happened.

Why did she release me?

Why did you take my jacket and say you wanted to talk to me?

Well, Camila Cabello was weirder and more wonderful than I thought.

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