Chap X 8

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Kalluto got up and dust off her kimono. She open her fan and stepped over the bodies to Killua.

"Are you could've gotten yourself hurt" Killua said in a tense voice. Kalluto shrug,"But you killed them all so it's fine"

"No! It's not fine! You forced me to take multiple lives! What the hell made you get into this situation in the first place Kalluto!" Killua argued as his hands were visibly shaking, Kalluto hid her face behind the fan observing her brother.

"And? There's nothing strange about it brother. We're Zoldycks." Kalluto responded.

Killua sigh shaking his head. He stuff his hands in his pockets and started to walk away from the property,"Cmon Kalluto, I'm taking you back to Milluki"

Killua kept walking not wanting to give his little sister the satisfaction that he killed. She was just the same as the rest of his twisted family.

"I don't why you're upset brother, it's in our nature to kill" Kalluto said trying to spike a conversation with Killua. She really did admire him so it confused her when he decided to leave home with his "friends".

"Not in my nature Kalluto. I don't want to be a killer." Killua answered. Kalluto walked faster up next to Killua.

"But you are going to inherit the family business, we are assassins Killua. There's no reason for you to go against the family wishes" said Kalluto.

"What are you trying to say Kalluto because I have no use to hear if you keep spitting what Illumi already says to me" Killua said in annoyance.

Kalluto stop in her trail causing Killua to stop as well,"Well?"

"I want you home Killua. I just don't get you. As Zoldyck's we don't need friends, we have eachother. I don't see the need of you being away from us, your family." Kalluto said truthfully. Her sadden look made Killua rub his neck.

"Like I said, I don't want to be a killer. And having friends made me realize there's more to life than being a assassin. Kalluto..."

Killua stepped closer to his sister and smiled,"I found someone who I cherish. He's my friend and when I'm with him he makes me happy. I love...being with him every moment, every day. He's the one who saved me from the darkness of the Zoldyck's and yet I'm here still killing. One day I hope you can understand just how I feel"

With that Killua gave his sister a hug.

'Gon...I'm coming back to you'

"Let's go, I have to find my friend" Killua took his sister hand and they ran back the rest of the way to Milluki.

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