Chap X 32

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HxH S3 E16-E17: this is just a filler chapter.


The next day after a lovely picnic the original gang was back together. Gon, Leorio, Killua, and Kurapika.

They decided to discuss information they know about the Phantom Troupe. That was when Kurapika told them he was also in contact with Hisoka. It came as a shock to the team.

"With Hisoka?" Gon asked. Killua shifted his gaze to Gon and frowned.

'Great just when he was trying to forget him' Killua thought.

"He knows I'm the chain user as well" Kurapika said. He relay details of their pact but wasn't sure where they stand since the leader of the Troupe was dead. Gon listen intently.

For Gon, Killua voiced his opinion on capturing the remaining Troupe members. Especially Pakunada since she had the power to read memories. He figured Hisoka must have abandoned his target so it was ok to help Kurapika defeat the remaining members. That is...

*ring* *ring*

Kurapika checked the recent message,"It's from Hisoka"

Gon heart skip a beat hearing his name. His chest tighten. He kept a stoic expression but was glad Hisoka was ok. Though it seemed like wherever he went Hisoka always seem to pop up in some way.

Kurapika eyes widen from Hisoka's message and rage surge him. Turns out the corpses were fake. Kurapika then got a call from Melody who stated that the reward money for capturing the Troupe was rescinded by the Ten Dons. Killua was upset on that note, he wanted to knock out getting money for Greed Island by helping Kurapika. Now he thought it was useless to even try especially with Hisoka being involved again.

"Gon...can we talk in the other room?" Killua ask. Gon picked up his tone of voice and immediately picked up his thoughts.

'Gotta convince him to help Kurapika... No of course you want to help Kurapika. Keep those dark thoughts out of your mind' Gon thought, he nodded and they went into the separate room.

Killua sigh,"Gon I owe you my life, ever since you got me out of my familiy, no ever since I met you, I knew I wouldnt mind being in your debt but this? We gotta skip this out"

Gon grabbed Killua's shoulders,"We need to help Kurapika"

Killua tch at Gon and shove him back,"No way"

"Wait but why not? You were the one who wanted to capture the Phantom Troupe" Gon asked. Killua brows furrow as he made his case,"It'd be pointless. With the reward gone, we'd be taking a big risk for nothing"

"Yes, but capturing the Phantom Troupe would be worth it! For Kurapika!"

Mentioning 'worth' to a bunch of murderous theives made Killua angry, he even took it the wrong way thinking Gon was talking about Hisoka.

"Is it because of him?" Killua asked softly in a dark tone. Gon pulled a small sweat but immediatly shook his head,"No No! Look, Kurapika is our friend. I won't let him fight the Troupe alone. That's what friends are for. Besides, I dont want him to become a murderer."

Gon told a white lie. He couldnt help it, in all honesty he did think of Hisoka. Maybe he could see him again? Then again he did want to help Kurapika as well. It was killing two birds with one stone on the off chance he could see him.

"Gon prioitize yourself. Do you even remember the real reason why we're here in the first place?" Killua asked taunting Gon.

"Errr Greed Island" Gon responded.

'Though it's not possible because it's so damn expensive. Hisoka is free. Shit, stop thinking about him! You're with Killua. But he's kinda right especially with the auction coming in two days we have no way-...I got it!' he thought.

"Actually I have a great idea to get the game but it's a secret right now!"

Killua wanted to strangle Gon then and there,"Stop being a fuckin tease!"

Another white lie. Not exactly, Gon did come up with a plan that might actually work and also give him a chance to see Hisoka, no to help Kurapika. Killua sighed,"Of course you would can I have the willpower to stop you. Let's go tell Kurapika. We can't do this without him"

Gon sigh in releif and grab Killua's hand to kiss it,"I promise you won't get hurt Killua"

Killua gave a sadden look,"No Gon, I don't want you to get hurt...cmon"

They went back into the room where Leorio was talking to Kurapika. Gon raced up to Kurapika.

"Hey Kurapika let us help! We're willing to do anything!"

Killua gave a side look to Kurapike hoping he could read his thoughts,'Cmon, say no'

Kurapika was surprise,"But the aware was rescinded"

"I know but I still want to stop the Troupe. I haven't change my mind about that"

Killua wished he couldve talk to Kurapika before this, he tried chanelling his disagreement,'Turn him down, turn him down!'

"You'd be risking your lives...right then let's discuss it"

Killua frowned,'Fuck he agreed...'

And so, the gang sat together to discuss their plan. They decided the most imported member to capture is Pakunada. So Kurapika asigns roles. Killua will watch their base to provide updates. Leorio with Kurapika as a driver. Lastly Gon being bait. Gon blushed thinking about Hisoka capturing him in a passionate hold. He even imagine Hisoka's adoring expression and heard his laugh come up to his thoughts.

'Ku Ku~ Got you~~<3'

Gon shook his head to focus. Kurapika then revealed how his powers exactly work. Kurapika was releived he could tell this to his friends, the deepness of his resolve. So Killua left starting the operation to capture Pakunoda.

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