Chap X 33

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HxH S3: E18–9 Another filler chapter

Back at the Phantom Troupe hideout, Chrollo connects the Chain User as a bodyguard for the Nostrade Family. Determined to avenge Uvo they used the scarlet eyes to locate it's location thinking it may lead them to Kurapika. And so they split into groups to the Beitacle Hotel.

As planned and with the help of Melody, Killua tracked them down while Kurapika waited for his chance to attack. But seeing the spiders made him act in haste. Kurapika pursued them but ended up getting Gon and Killua captured by Chrollo. Meanwhile, Nabunaga and Pakunoda identified Kurapika after killing Squala, another bodyguard that was hired by the Nostrade Family. Nabunaga vowed to kill Kurapika.

Kurapika raced to save Killua and Gon. Killua figured Kutapika will switch targets and attack. Meaning they will act as hostages. Their plan did work out and Kurapika captured Chrollo. Kurapika then realized that only a trade off could save his friends. He then contacted the Troupe to trade hostages. The plan was to let Pakunoda meet him alone at the airport while the Troupe stay in their hideout. Gon did have a glimmer of hope, feeling he might see Hisoka again.

Though in the moment once Hisoka learned Chrollo was captured, he took that opportunity to sneak out with the help of Illumi. Just to fight the boss. Hisoka was really turned on, he couldn't stop smiling at the thought of Chrollo's blood splashing on the ground as he proved his dominance. The thought gave him a boner.

Meanwhile when Pakunoda reached the airport, she and Chrollo get stab by Kurapika's Judgement Chain and orders Pakunoda to retrieve Gon and Killua to make the exchange.

Back at the hideout under the will of Kurapika's orders, everyone stood by to wait. Upon entering Gon noticed Hisoka who didn't even bothered to look. Albeit it wasn't the perfect time but just being near Hisoka made Gon happy in a weird way. He couldn't stop looking him.

Thing is, Hisoka wasn't Hisoka. It was Illumi in disguise. He felt Gon's gaze and took a peak at him. Illumi gave Gon a mean dirty look and it caught Gon off guard. He started to question himself.

'Is he mad at me?' Gon thought. Killua who was next to him took his hand and stared down at Hisoka.

Illumi was disgusted. He could totally see 'Killuagon' as a one sided relationship. That was the reason for his mood. He felt that Killua was wasting his talents and Gon was using him for whatever reason. Clearly more than friends though. He took out his cards and fiddled with them not wanting to caused a scene. Gon felt pain, but it wasn't physical and it bothered him so. He looked down at Killua's hand and thought, 'Maybe I'm with Killua he doesn't like me anymore?'

The feeling of shame rose in him and he pushed away Killua's hand. Killua looked over in Gon who just stared at the ground in deep remorse. Killua got confused and a bit frustrated that Gon treated him this way. He huff in annoyance looking away making Gon even more shameful. 

'Shit, now Killua's mad. Why am I like this?' Gon thought questioning his newfound relationship with Killua and his hard crush on Hisoka.

After awhile Pakunoda came to complete the hostage trade. She took the guys and Gon looked back at fraud Hisoka who didn't even glance back. That action made Gon questioned if Hisoka actually was his friend. He decided to move on and walk away from his lovesick interpretation he thought they had. It was heartbreaking to Gon but Killua was one true love. He just had to accept it.

So Pakunoda took them to the airport as Kurapika commanded. Alone with just the guys as commanded.

"It's almost over... Killua, I want to be alone with you again" Gon said making Killua blush. Gon gave a apologetic smile. Killua couldn't be mad anymore at that notion so he just nodded. Pakunoda gave a light smile, "I want to wish you both a good life, no hard feelings."

Gon and Killua smiled at Pakunoda but before they got on board a tall figured appeared walking towards them. Gon couldn't believe it and his mouth was gape open. It was Hisoka. The uninvited was so unexpected to the three. Pakunoda threw a mad fit hoping it wouldn't risk Chrollo's life.

"What are you doing here?!" she said. Hisoka walk up to them sensually as the rain drip making his skin look like crystals to Gon. His smirk made Gon held his breath. He noticed Hisoka was on the phone. All three of them overheard the conversation.

"Allow me to aboard the airship. If you refuse, I'll kill Gon and Killua." Hisoka then smiled obviously lying. Gon frown and he took a step back. He instinctively extended his arm in front of Killua to protect him. Killua noticed and loved Gon even more for standing against the clown. Hisoka looked forward directly at Gon. Their eyes lock and Hisoka explained his reason for  being there, "My target is Chrollo alone. I will gladly get off the airship once he's released"

Gon had to look away. He felt a jealous spear right through his heart. He got the message but didn't expect it to hurt this much. 

"All I want to do is to fight him. Nothing more I promise" Hisoka said in a cold manner. Hisoka loosed his smile seeing Gon unhappy that he was here. The wonder in his eyes were Gon* pun.  He got off the phone once Kurapika gave him the go ahead. 

"He said I could come, we're friends~" Hisoka said to Pakunoda. She puff her breath in annoyance before turning away to the airship. Killua grit his teeth in anger.

'I swear everywhere we go he's here. I would just kill that fuckin clown if..huh?' Killua pulled away from his thoughts as Gon pulled on his sleeve before quietly saying, "Let's go"

Killua was stunned. He let Gon pull on his arm setting a fast pace into the airship. His hand then grabbed a hold of Killua's making him blush. That was then he realized he doubted Gon's love for him. He told himself he was a idiot. So, he looked back at Hisoka and stick his tongue out at him making Hisoka lick his lips back. Gon felt a spike of his sexual aura released. The tiniest bit made him feel oddly hot and it disturb him yet he acted unbothered by it.

They entered the airship and it was awkwardly silent the whole way. It was tortured to Gon. The noise from Hisoka's cards made his eye twitch. He wanted Hisoka to acknowledge him like before, with desire. Even he couldn't deny the friendship they develop. Gon couldn't help it made himself to look. Once his eyes landed on Hisoka he couldn't look away. It was like the room exploded in pink hues around Hisoka. He examined every detail. Hisoka's pale moon skin, his huge strong hands, the light click of his heels, that sticking red hair, his sharp intelligent eyes, and mostly those muscle defying arms. Gon gulp his desires down and look away almost wanting to cry.  He stood up looking at the ground not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

"Gon?" Killua asked in worry. Pakunoda and Hisoka looked at him as well. 

"Bathroom..." Gon said quietly.

Pakunoda pointed at the door to the right, "Should be down the hall"

Gon nodded and left the room. After a brief moment Hisoka stood up as well. Killua's killer instincts kicked in as the threat presented itself. He stood in front of the door blocking Hisoka's path.

"I know what you are thinking. I want you to stay the FUCK away from Gon. He's mine." Killua said in a hostile tone making Hisoka creepily smile. He realized Killua's feelings were strong, but not hardly enough for Gon. It was clear by the way he was acting. As always Hisoka pride himself for being 'top'  

"Green jealousy doesn't suit you, Killua. You are blind if you can't see what we have is stronger." Hisoka said calmly and he let his blood thirst leak making the inexperience boyfriend back off. Pakunoda sigh, "Let him go or he'll kill you"

"Very perspective dear" Hisoka said as he left after Gon. Pakunoda looked at Killua expressionless, "He's number four for a reason."

Killua tch and sat down being beat by the spiders. His hands shake in anxiety and thought his only hope was Gon's strong will to not betray him...again.

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