Something Strange...

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The Enchanted oasis was "Different"
The animals were in they're dens and it started getting chilly.
"Cupquake I'm freezing" Annie spoke, Tiffany didn't answer she just looked at Annie. The awkward silence was broke when Mitty came ramming through the door {Hehe get it she has ram horns😏}
"Look outside!" Mitty yelled as the two girls got up and looked through the window.
It seemed like everything was covered in frost,It was rare for the enchanted oasis to get snow...They never even knew what snow was!
"What the hell is this stuff?" Mitty yelled,Annie ran her fingers through the snowy ground
"Whatever it is it's cold" Annie said shivering,Tiffany giggled and watched they're reaction to the snowy world.
Lizzie looked at Tiffany and whispered to her "Do you know what snow is?" Lizzie spoke,
"Of course!" Tiffany said no longer whispering.
Mitty ran up to Annie and shoved some snow into her face,
"MITTY" Annie yelled chasing after her. Tiffany watched the two girls running around,
Lizzie ran inside and grabbed a few blankets and tossed one to Tiffany,
"Catch!" Lizzie yelled at Annie and Mitty. They decided to go hangout in Annie's butterfly garden,since it was way too cold to go outside.

{one hour later}

The girls snuggled in blankets and drank some tea,
"So,How did you manage to make tea Annie?" Tiffany said taking a sip of her drink,
"Well one day I was taking a look around the oasis and saw some tea leaves,So on sunny days I go and pick them"
Tiffany nodded looking over to Mitty,She looked sad about something...But what?

"Something wrong?" Tiffany spoke as the girls payed attention to Mitty.
"I noticed that my home is taking affect to the cold weather" Mitty answered looking at the ground. Annie got up and poured herself a drink,
"And it's not a good change" Mitty said frowning at the floor. "Well you can stay at my house,I have a guest room you can stay in" Tiffany said. Mitty looked up at the girls giving them a sad smile,
"If you don't mind me staying" Mitty spoke staring at Tiff.
"Hello? Earth to Mitty" Annie said teasing Her,Mitty snapped out of it giggling. Lizzie walked over to a owl that looked adorable!
"Who's this cutie?" Lizzie asked,
"I don't have a name for him but I call him Bonnie"
Lizzie looked at the little owl smiling at it. The owl flew up and landed on a branch next to Her,Tiffany walked over and stared at it.
"Bonnie's a cute name" Tiffany said,
"He looks so Kawaii!" Mitty said creeping up on Lizzie, "OH BEJESUS!"
Lizzie yelled scaring the little owl.
Tiffany laughed as Lizzie's face burned with embarrassment,Annie was still sitting down sipping her tea and laughing with them.
"I'm pretty sure my owl has trust issues now" Annie said still trying to hold in her laugh.
"Lizzie what time is it?" Mitty said yawning, "It's still early you lazy girl!"
Lizzie said earning some laughs from the other girls.
Annie looked over to see some creature with a bow and arrow, {remember they're in Annie's butterfly garden so..}

The creature shot the arrow right through the the window hitting Tiffany in the arm,
"Shit!" Lizzie said pulling out a Iron sword. "Where did you get that?!?" Mitty yelled as Tiffany yelled in pain pulling out the arrow from her arm.
Annie ran down and slammed her knife into the creatures stomach,
"I'll get something to help the wound of yours" Mitty said paying all her attention to Tiffany who was screaming in pain.
"No" Annie said,
"How do we help her then?!?" Lizzie said almost screaming.
"I have a healing spell I can use to help" Annie said yelling back, "ok" Tiffany managed to say . Annie started to use her magic to heal her friends wound, She started to say weird things that were also know as 'magic words'.
Tiffany's arm was kinda fixed but the blood stopped gushing,that's all.
"My magic is drained all of a sudden!" Annie yelled informing the girls,"I can't finish the spell but I stopped the bleeding" Annie huffed out.

{the story is not over my friends,I'll update tomorrow or something like that}

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