Chapter 1

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The Watchtower (3rd P.O.V)

"We should not have the traitor on the team much less as our leader!" La'gaan growled for the umpteenth time.

"He is not a traitor La'gaan. You must stand down." Kaldur replied, annoyance beginning to show.

He was not the only one. Connor was growling lowly, with M'gann placing a calming hand on his shoulder. She herself was giving him a disapproving look, holding Garfield back from turning into an elephant and squashing the Atlantian. Bart was vibrating angrily while Blue Beetle was busy restaining Artemis from causing physical harm to all against Nightwing. The Bats (that were present) were batglaring those who wronged the original Boy Wonder, Batman, Batgirl and Spoiler reaching for their batarangs and Red Robin for his bo-staff. The league was glaring disapprovingly at La'gaan and his companions.

Ever since the Invasion, the team was split in two. Those who were against Nightwing, thinking he betrayed them, and those who defended him.

La'gaan and some of the team's newer members were against him, he couldn't blame them after all it was his plan that had made them believe Artemis was dead and Kaldur was a traitor, while pretty much everyone else (rest of the team, league, Red Arrow, batfam, titans, outlaws, etc.) defended him, for what reason though he did not know.

La'gaan, who for some reason was the most un-whelmed about it, was the one who insulted and complained about the former Robin the most. Nightwing knew he deserved it but that didn't change the fact that it hurt.

Currently, the league and the team were having a 'meeting'. It was actually more like a 'team bonding' thing with the mentors. Either way, Dick had something important to do today and Lagoon Boy was helping him, without realizing it of course.

Fingering the letter he had in his utility belt he spoke up.

"La'gaan is right," he started confidently.

That caught everyone's attention. All of them, from both sides, gawked.


"I said he's right. I shouldn't lead the team and as a matter of fact I... I resign my spot on the team. I will show myself out. Goodbye." The blue-clad hero said, his voice cracking although he tried to keep it as emotionless as he could.

Everyone in the room, even those who had said that he shouldn't be leader in the first place, blanched.

Richard took his cue and made his way towards the zeta tube. Bruce, being the first to snap out of his shock, tried to stop him with a hand on his son's shoulder.

Dick already knew someone was going to try that, his plan revolved slightly around that fact.

He sighed. Putting his hand on his adoptive father's he subtly slipped the note into his hand. And to everyone's shock, with his resolve strengthened, he tightened his grip on the hand and promptly sent Batman over his shoulder and landing hard on the floor in front of him.

He bent down and whispered, "I love you, dad. I'm sorry. Ask him about the speed force for me, will you?"

Then, with that, he left. The Zeta tube announcing his absence.

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