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A lot of things happened over the summer. First off, Quinn and Beth moved back in with her mom, and she and Puck broke up. I still saw them a bunch because I spent much of June helping Quinn lose her post-pregnancy fat and babysitting Beth when she needed a break. Other than that, I spent all my time lounging with the Fab Four, helping Finn and my dad on the farm, spending time with Mike, and having slumber parties with Kurt and the girls. I had also gotten a job working at the nursing home Jean was at, but it was more of a paid internship since I wasn't qualified to do any nursing stuff yet. Also with June came the advent of Nathan and Tina's relationship and the restart of Finn and Rachel's.

Once July hit though, Mike and Tina had gone to Asian summer camp, and my family and I had gone down to Tennessee to see my grandparents. It was nice to spend time with my Grandpa, but the constant arguing between my mom and grandma was not fun. Plus, I missed my friends.  Our group hadn't all gotten back until the last week of summer but then it was time to get ready for school so we didn't really see each other.


The first day, I walked into to school with Dawson. Today was Dawson's first day of high school and I could sense he was pretty nervous. Already in my Cheerios uniform, I was able to split the crowd the way Quinn had last year. I walked Dawson to his locker and then showed him where his first hour was located before ditching him when I saw Mike. I hoped in his arms and he spun me around as we kissed. He put me back down and kissed me again, this time his arm around my shoulder as Nathan and Tina walked up to us hand in hand.

I hugged both of them with smiles on our faces. "So, Tina, Mike told me about summer camp for you guys, but I wanted to hear from you how it was," I said.

Tina sighed. "It was okay. Mike and I tried to teach them about the arts but they were glued to their phones the entire time. And I missed you guys. Especially Nate," Tina glanced at Nate and he smiled back at her. "But, it was nice to get to spend some cousin time with Mike."

"Well, you're so gracious about sharing him with me, that I figured you could borrow him for a week," I joked.

"Oh, trust me, you can have him. I don't remember him stinking that much when we were twelve," Tina teased.

"Hey! I was dancing all week. I sweat!" Mike exclaimed defensively.

All three of us laughed. "Well, I'm going to go find Quinn and the girls," I told them, kissing Mike one more time before walking away.

I found Quinn, Santana, and Brittany standing at Quinn and I's lockers.

They were being interviewed by Jacob Ben Israel.

"How has life changed since the birth of your bastard child?" He asked Quinn.

"Don't call my niece that," I warned.

"Well, I'm happy to be back, and I really love being a mom. And I'm a lot less hormonal, so there's not really any crying," Quinn answered.

"How was your summer?" Jacob questioned Santana next.

"My eyes are up here JewFro. And it was uneventful," Santana responded.

"People thought I went on vacation, but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers," Brittany commented.

"Britt, that's not true. You spent most of the summer at my house," I reminded her.

Jacob turned on me now. "Can you confirm or deny the accusation that you cheated on Asian Number 1 with Bobby Smith?"

"Deny. I would never do that to Mike. Whatever Bobby is telling people is a lie," I told him.

Jacob turned to the cameraman. "You heard it here folks, Maisie Monteith is a virgin."

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