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The sky was grey and the wind was angry, it howled and pushed through closed doors and shut windows, the horses snorted nervously in their stalls, it had been a while since they had such a huge storm.

Bran worked with the ranch hands to hasten the process of the jobs that were left, everyone was working efficiently and quickly to beat the oncoming storm, with the way the sky was darkening by the minute only a fool would want to stay out when it started.

The moment the first rain drop touched the ground it felt like the whole world went still in anticipation and worry, it continued like that for some seconds, lightly at first before the downpour.

Everyone ran for shelter, Bran was drenched before he got to the residential bus they kept on the ranch in case of emergencies, he dried himself and put a pot on the built in stove for coffee.

He had just finished making a pot when he remembered Shelby was still working, he cursed when he mistakenly drank the hot coffee.

He rang her office several times knowing the weather was strong enough to hinder a connection but yet it still rang. The connection was still great, Shelby just wasn't answering.

Bran cursed again when he eyed the storm raging outside, he looked at his wet clothes with a sigh, he needed to get back out there to find Shelby and make sure she was alright.

The wind howled and rocked the bus a bit, he shivered when he realized he was going to be shouldering his way through the ruckus outside, he sighed for the umpteenth time. "That's one hell of a storm."


Shelby was cold, wet and shivering but she needed to make sure the horses were alright, they hadn't had a storm like this in a while and the horses could get skittish or scared, she didn't need one of them running into this nightmare. The grounds were slippery and mushy, catching or searching for a lost horse would be a waste of time, you could see with your foot out here.

She shielded her eyes from the endlessly pouring rain but it was of no use, she was about to run to one of their buses when she heard a loud crack. She had a sickening feeling before she heard the clatter of hooves on wet concrete.

"Oh dear God!" Shelby ran in the direction of the sound as fast as she could, she hoped it was the shared stall or they would really have a problem, to her surprise it was Sugar that had busted out of her stall and she wasn't happy.

She was very nervous, Shelby could tell in her movements, she stayed still trying her best to calm the horse before she got into the open field. If she mistakenly ventured towards that area, it would be a disaster, she wouldn't be able to organize a search party fast enough, nobody wanted to be around a frightened horse.

Sugar flicked her ears while Shelby bridged the gap between them slowly, whispering soft words to calm her, one loud thunder clap ruined all her efforts. Sugar reared up on her hind legs neighing, Shelby knew to get out of her way once she charged straight towards the open field.

Shelby crashed into the wall to avoid Sugar, she winced when her arm screamed in pain but she couldn't dwell on that at the moment so she did the most unreasonable thing anyone wouldn't do.

She ran after Sugar.


After three hours of searching for Shelby, Bran was beginning to worry, it wasn't like her to keep herself out of reach, she would leave a message for Bran just so he would know she was safe but there was no message and no Shelby.

The storm hadn't eased up one bit, Shelby wasn't stupid enough to get caught up in the storm but he knew she was that brainless, if she was caught up in the storm, he trusted her skills to get her through the storm at least till it eased but this wasn't an ordinary storm, it wasn't easing nor showing any signs of easing, even Shelby's skills could betray her in this kind of weather.

Bran called out her name, checking every barn and stall, he shielded his eyes from the rain but it still wasn't helping, he had checked her office, the inventory and every tiny place Shelby loved holing herself into but she wasn't there.

Bran sent out an SOS through his phone to all the ranch hands nearby, something wasn't right, it wasn't like Shelby to just go missing without a trace. Something was either terribly wrong or Bran was being a worrywart.

A group of four men ran towards him, they must have been the ones closest to where he was. "Shelby's missing." He hollered when they were within hearing distance.

"It's not like miss Shelby to go missing especially in this kind of storm" Sage, one of the ranch hands screamed back.

They needed to send out a search party for her soon but anyone who ventured into this storm was also risking his life, it was far too dangerous for both man and horse, if the horse got frightened and threw the rider off his back, that would be a disaster, Bran was torn between looking for her and trusting her.

He was dragged out of his endless thought when one of the ranch hands called out to him. "Bran, you might need to see this."

Bran walked with him to the last stall which was sugars stall, when he saw the shattered door that was supposed to be holding Sugar in he realized Shelby was in more danger than he thought.

"Damn it Shelby!" Bran cursed out loud.

"Sugar can't be found anywhere." Sage hollered.

"That's because she broke out of her stall and Shelby ran after her." Bran scrubbed off the water from his face with a determined look in his eyes.

"Now we have to find her and fast."


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