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The storm stopped a couple of hours later with the sun springing out like it never even happened. Shelby recapped the events of the previous day with a grimace, every step she took was wrong; she couldn't make those kind of mistakes and hope Bran was around the corner to clean it up.

Shelby didn't know what to expect when she saw Heather, at first it was relief then fear, Heather wasn't a kind woman so every second she waited for her to strike yet there she was snoring softly beneath her.

Shelby frowned at the unknown feelings bubbling inside her; she wasn't used to feeling anything but loneliness and emptiness, that ebbed the moment Heather walked into her office, she was spontaneous and not what anyone would expect, she caught Shelby's eye more than once and on very special days like today she watched her like a stalker.

"Your stares have dug a hole in every part of my body."

Shelby jumped slightly when she heard Heather's voice. "I wasn't looking at you." She said softly but not convincing.

"Is there another person in this tent with us?" Heather's lips tilted in a tiny smile.

When she finally opened her eyes Shelby was staring at her so intently her breath hitched, Heather was afraid to blink so she wouldn't ruin the moment, when Shelby licked her lips Heather closed the gap between them.

The kiss was tender and sweet like they were both testing the waters; Heather licked Shelby's lip asking for entrance which Shelby gave with a moan, she sucked Shelby's lower lip into her mouth massaging it softly with hers, Heather held the reins of her passion tightly so she wouldn't overwhelm Shelby but she wasn't making it easy.

Shelby moaned when Heather grabbed her thighs, she was blinded by lust and the essence of the woman beneath her; she would give her body over to Heather over and over again; submit to her every single time.

Heather was seeping into her every pore, owning every part of her body.

"Fuck! We need to stop princess." Heather broke the kiss to take a deep breath.

Shelby blinked trying to come back to her senses but she was too far gone, she whined grinding her ass into Heather's crotch, Heather cursed squeezing her eyes tight as she tried to stop Shelby's hips from moving but the vixen straddling her didn't have any intention of stopping.

When Heather finally noticed Shelby was naked she moaned painfully, gripping Shelby's ass she molded them with her palms, Shelby groaned into her ear as she increased her pace.

Heather could feel her stomach muscles cramp indicating an impending orgasm but she didn't want to have Shelby like this; she didn't want to remember their first time as something quick so with her last will power she held Shelby's hips in place.

Heather grinded her teeth and steeled her resolve when Shelby moaned and whined in protest, "We really need to stop princess"

"I can't, I want you so bad Heather please" Shelby begged.

"You want me now but how about when all this is over and the air isn't filled with lust and every other thing that is making us go crazy, will you still want me then?"

That sobered Shelby up real quick, even if her body was screaming yes, she wasn't sure she was ready to take that huge step. She was attracted to Heather of that she was certain but this kind of intimacy required relinquishing parts of one's self she wasn't ready to give.

Heather smiled to hide the emotions swimming in her traitorous eyes, "What we need to do now is get you to safety, after that you can worry about getting into my pants."

Shelby chuckled humorlessly allowing Heather to hold her once again; they stayed quiet until the melodies of sleep seduced them with its tunes.

They fell asleep with different thoughts in mind, none of them good.


Heather jerked awake when she felt cool breeze caress her skin, she frowned in confusion when the tent was nowhere to be seen, she looked at the sky and the clouds that were drifting above skeptically.

"Morning sleepy head"

Heather turned her head towards the direction of the voice, Shelby was sitting beside the horse who was munching on grasses, the tent was packed neatly beside her along with the backpack.

"How did yo-"

"You sleep like the dead." Shelby shrugged "And I needed the exercise, I thought I was going to melt into the ground."

Heather groaned in pain when she dragged herself up, she had never slept on a hard surface in her life, she would need a massage and lots of pain relievers.

"I should be calling you princess" Shelby smirked. "You look like shit"

"That's a lie; I look good even when I don't need to."

Shelby stared at Heather with a look that Heather had come to know meant trouble, "Yeah, you sure do."

Heather ignored every signal Shelby threw her way, she was the only logical one and she was going to stay that way, when Shelby got back to civilization, she would continue hiding in her inventory and Heather would shut every cell in her body that was telling her to chase Shelby like a mad dog.

They were very attracted to each other but Shelby wasn't ready for Heather and Heather needed to clear the air about Shelby and her business before she dipped her feet in her pool, she played dirty because she was good at it but this time she was giving Shelby a fair fight.

"We need to get back to the ranch before Bran loses his mind" Shelby's dragged Heather out of her troublesome thoughts.

"Bran is going to chain you to your office chair the moment he sees you."

"It's way better than freezing my butt off out here."

"I thought you were bonding with your fellow bull frogs." Heather said innocently, ducking when she saw a rock fly her way, "Hey! That could have marred my beauty"

"I highly doubt that" Shelby mumbled.

They packed the tent and backpack by the side, Heather used the rope to tie it all together, someone would come back for it later since the horse couldn't take the load at once with them in tow.

Heather helped Shelby get on the horse before she got in behind her, as the horse took them closer to the ranch the silence between them grew and none of them dared break it.

Heather smiled when the fence came into view, it seemed Bran had sighted them as well because he was running towards them.

"That old man couldn't care less about his age, he could break his back if he keeps running like that" Shelby chuckled lightly.

Bran reached them in record time not even breaking a sweat, "You stupid girl, you almost gave this old man a heart attack"

"With the way you were running I think I might be the one who had a heart attack"

Bran glared at her while he helped her down from the horse so the ranch hands waiting nearby could rush her to the infirmary, when she was far enough Bran finally turned to Heather with eyes filled with gratitude.

"Thank you Heather, I don't think any of us would have gotten to her fast enough without you"

"You're welcome" Heather smiled back but it didn't reach her eyes.

Heather watched Shelby disappear into the distance with a defeated sigh, she had returned Shelby to her world which was full of secrets and uncertainties, with one last look at the direction Shelby disappeared to Heather steeled her heart with broken shards of glass as Gibb's words rang in her head.

'A woman had finally gotten through to her cold heart'

hoelitdays I miss you

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