#2 New beginnings.

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Oily ran out of the soomans apartment crying, tears streaming down his cheeks his 'waterproof' eyeliner had started to smudge bc of the tears, his face looked...oilier...than it already was.
His heels clacking in the hallways, he came to a stop outside the building, he took a breath and broke into ugly tears.


How could he do something like that?

Breakups already hurt alot but this one was practically breaking him down outside his ex lovers apartment. He was ugly sobbing in his palms for a long time before he felt something in his hands...

The ticket his ex-lover gave him

He angrily looked at the golden purple shiny piece of paper in his hand and his anger almost dissipated when he saw it. They were the tickets to JYP's latest concert.
He was happy but also sad because him and sooman used to listen to his music together before they ended up like this. 

Oily decided to go to the concert alone, it was his favourite artist after all. Nothing could cheer him up like a good 'non autotuned' pure natural singing voice.
He got into his car and drove back home, excited for the concert.


Ahahaha it's all coming together, you see soon the two main protagonists of our story will be together. I hope y'all are ready for this amazing journey 🥺

Okay but if you're still reading this then I'm shocked how you're still here I thought you'd leave this fic halfway but you didn't so thank you ilysm💀❤️.

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