(malignant) Louis

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This one shot was inspired by the fanfiction malignant by happydays1d so if you didn't read that i would suggest not to read this as it's just one big fat spoiler.

In a world where angels are almost extinct, they can see souls (dead people that aren't in heaven yet) but souls can't see angels.
Souls bear on their bodies all of the wounds that killed them or in general they look exactly as if they just died while angels heal.

She walked through the field her finger brushing over the long grass that came up to her waist, long hair swaying in the gentle breeze.
Her bare feet taking her to unknown places while she rested her heavy wings, even angels got tired.

She lovedroaming the lands between the world of the dead and the world of heaven.

Wandering without a destination she came upon a pond by which stayed a young man. It wasn't unlike for lost souls to be in these forgotten lands.
He was a beautiful man I could tell, sharp cheeckbones and feathery long brown hair, a black leather jacket was laid next to him.
She inched closer to get a better look at the handsome man. His finger skimmed over the water as he stared off into the distance.

Right above his eyebrows a small circular scar catching her attention, she found herself curious about this man but  souls can't see or talk to angels and she was very aware of that.

Then why is he looking right at her now? She wonders caught off guard by the intensity of those blue eyes that seem to read her mind.

She can feel that he's a new soul, died a couple of hours prior, but she still can't see any wounds or hints of illness in this man.

But as she stares at him like a deer in headlights she saw something she had missed at first, a set of wings, they were black with a single golden line that ran from top to bottom.

He wasn't a lost sould, he was a new angel.

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