(gang) Harry

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I was walking down the streets of London, I had just gotten out of work and was on my way home to relax when I heard the sound of yells. I looked up to see flashing blue lights and someone running down the road toward me but before I can even think about the cop hurdling toward me a hand grabs me and pulls me into the hidden alley next to me, I feel my back being pressed against a brick wall, the hard surface rubbing against my back.

I'm shocked when I feel a soft pair of lips meet mine, I open my eyes to see a mop of brown curls framing a the features of a face too close to make out, I also notice that whoever is kissing me has a lip ring the cold metal brushing my lips with every kiss.

I'm torn between cracking my knee in this dude's balls for kissing me without consent and keep kissing him because honestly it's one of the best kissers i've ever met.

I hear footsteps coming and before I can react I hear the voice of however is kissing me speak.

"Kiss me back" he rasps out still kissing me, I follow his words giving into the softness of this mysterious mans lips. I hear someone stop by the alley and then yell to his co-worker

"He's not down here, just a random couple having a snug."

I hear them leave and a few moments go by before the man pulls away and steps back, as he steps back I get a look at him. His brown curly hair reach his shoulders and his body is clad by a black leather jacket that hugs his arms and chest showing his muscles under that jacket, he wears a white t-shirt, he is also wearing black skinny jeans which show of his long legs and his feet are covered with a pair of black military boots.

I looks back up at his face to find him staring at me, his soft pink lips a little swollen from our kiss are turned up in a smirk his lips ring shines in the small amount of light that fills the alley, he has dimples peaking through, the thing that makes me double take is his eyes, bright emerald eyes stare at me in amusement, his teeth peak out as he speaks two little bunny teeth showing.

"You done checking me out, love?" he says, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, he brings one to his mouth and lights it. He steps closer and puts his free hand beside my head.

"I-I wasn't " I stutter, he only smirks and removes the cigarette from his mouth and turns his head blowing out the toxic smoke. He leans forward a kiss my jaw and pulls back again stepping back to leave.

"You sure weren't"

Before he leaves though I find the courage to speak up.

"What's your name?"

He turns back to look at me, his eyes lighting up in amusement.

"Harry. Harry Styles" he says before turn back around and walking off.

I know that name, everybody did, He is a member of the biggest gang of London, The Snakes. The same one that my brother is leader of and if he finds out that Harry just kissed me in an alley he will kill Him.

I push myself away from the wall and started walking home, I couldn't help but think of the next time Harry's lips would meet mine, if they ever will.

One shot by JimmylovesMariah

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