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So my friend found this pic on pinterest a while ago, we don't know who made this but it inspired her on writing this short story that we'll publish in a couple of parts, here's the first one hope you enjoy <3

Let me tell you the story of how my life changed.

You know when I woke up this morning I didn't think I would be running for my life with a bunch of weird supernatural guys.

In fairytales when the protagonist wakes up to face a new adventurous day the sun is always shining and birds chirping as if nature tells them she's on their side.

The sun wasn't shining this morning, the sky was a dark grey and the wind was blowing furiously against the windows of the bakery I owned.

This weather promised a storm and people surely weren't going to face it just to get a coffee or a piece of cake so I wasn't really expecting anyone to come inside that morning.

Of course right when I was belting out the chorus of American cliché five guys decided to walk in.

At the time I was young but I had already seen more than it would be considered normal for a 20 year old girl, so when they told me to close the bakery and go with them I wasn't scared.

I had seen what bad people do, they don't ask they take... also bad people didn't have pictures of my father, that surely helped their case.

Up until that moment I hadn't seen my father for 8 years after the agents told me he had died in a work accident. The body was consumed by the feeling but I was the only one they could ask for identification. My father had nobody else.

But that picture they showed me was recent, and the man in there was the one I had mourned for almost a decade ago, the same one in the frame next to my bed with just a bit more wrinkles and more grey hair.

But undoubtedly my father.

So off with them I go, my long coat doing close to nothing against the weather but fashion was more important anyway. It took me something like 10 minutes to understand these guys, they were so open with me, not hiding much of who they were.

In those 10 minutes they explained who they were, they explained all about their powers and I just wish physics and chemistry were things I understood because I completely forgot all of the terms and the theory behind them.

I also had the chance to take a good look at them.

When I first met Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry they were wearing... let's say "unconventional" clothes.

They were all black with different colored strings and stripes that reflected their power.

"Down here" Harry yelled to the other grabbing my hand pulling me into an alley with him and interrupting my thoughts.

Harry was the tallest of them all, tattoos peaked from underneath his left sleeve. He was dressed in black with green patches on the shoulders and shoes. Around his stomach he had long stripes of white fabric.
His hair is probably my favorite part of him, it's curly and wild barely touching his ears and is held back by a bandana.
Harry's power is the best among all of them, he's got the ability to heal people and animals and take some of their pain away, but the best part is that his personality matches all of his characteristics, he's sweet, kind and funny, he was the first to really introduce me to the others.

Running down the narrow street we were approaching a crossroad right ahead of us, that's when a body appeared out of thin air right next to me and harry, scaring the absolute shit out of me.

"The left alley ends in a dead end, we take right and we should be out on the main avenue" Niall said in his thick Irish accent.

Niall was probably the most mysterious of them all, his face concealed by a black hood and I only managed to get a glimpse of his blue eyes underneath it, his color though was yellow and it appeared in a blur every time he teleported. The color, as with harry, also reflected his personality, he was open and loud, his laugh contagious... basically the personification of the sun.

"You doing ok?" He asked still running, this kid almost sent me into cardiac arrest and expects me to answer, the audacity!

I just nodded still running and he immediately disappears again to god knows where.

As soon as Niall is out of sight Zayn reaches us, blue smoke and flames still snaking around his lean figure without burning his dark clothes (what was it with these guys and black??), his color was purple and his power absolutely fascinating, the blue fire allowed him to modify the reality one person could see, basically he could give you hallucinations. That's how we first gained advantage on our chasers.

Zayn was followed by Liam, he was the one I most associated with a superhero, baggy pants and sleeveless shirt that emphasized the muscles on his arms, his black (what a shocking news) clothes had blue stripes on them and that's probably the one thing that doesn't make any sense since his power is fire control.

Zayn and Liam went ahead of us disappearing around a corner and I was still looking at them when a voice on my left scared me again.

"We're close now don't let up"

It's was Louis, quiet and observant Louis.

He looked so determined running besides me, his cold blue eyes focused ahead calculating our next move, his shirt had one shoulder missing and his trousers had a missing piece near the top, the two parts of them connected by red stripes.

Harry told me that Louis' power was the only one different from them all, he could absorb their power and make it his own until he decided to change.

We rounded together the same corner Liam and Zayn had disappeared behind and come to an abrupt stop in front of an old van, the door open to allow us to climb in.

"Took your sweet ass time" Niall said from the driver seat, which earned him a glare from Harry.

I sit in the van and realize two things:

1. I have never run this long in my entire life and the adrenaline is starting to wear off.

2. there's another person in the van I hadn't noticed before.

"Hello, Jessie" the stranger says, and in that second before I pass out from exhaustion I recognize the voice I haven't heard in 8 years.

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