(artist) Harry

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It's weird that we care so much about what people say that we take life changing choices out of pure pressure from other people.

At least that's what happened when I started to date this guy named Guy, I know I know the name is horrible, if I had to choose a replacement for my best friend at least I could choose someone with a better name right? Oh god sorry you probably don't even know what I'm talking about.

So my name is Ivy, I was 21 when I realized I was in love with my best friend. At that time I got so scared of ruining things that I just closed myself off of feelings and decided to start seeing other people.

Harry Edward Styles born February 1st, 1994. He's been my friend since we couldn't even speak due to our mothers becoming friends after my dad left us. He's got a sister Emma, wonderful person and so smart, she noticed I was in love with her brother before I even started to think about it.

Harry is an artist, and saying he's good would be an understatement, he's the best in the state, got his own studio at 18 and has managed to make a living out of it only a few years after he started his activity. He can draw a person in a span of 20 minutes almost effortlessly and it's one of the things I like most of him.

I always thought harry didn't feel about me the same way I did about him, he's always been the kind of person who would get some dates, maybe stay with a person for a couple of weeks and then stop, but I swear every person he's been with still adores him and I'll never understand how he manages to leave someone without hurting them, I'll add that to the list of things I love about him, being such a gentle soul that couldn't hurt someone's feelings even if he tried.

When I started dating Guy I noticed a change in Harry's behaviour but it never clicked until one day Emma just snapped

"You are blind as fuck, Ivy" Emma said staring at me as if I had grown a new set of eyes which at this point could be true if He really did love me.

"So, Emma you're telling me that Harry has been in love with me since we were 18" I said trying to get this as straight as possible.

"Yes, you idiot, and he still does he was literally telling me about it like yesterday, moping around because that Guy bastard doesn't treat you right"

Thank God Emma and Harry are close.

So at this point I should note that I broke up with Guy last week when I found out he was cheating on me and never told anyone, still scared to admit it, because when you say it out loud it becomes true.

Right now I just threw all of my insecurities out of the windowand I'm literally running down the streets of London trying to get to Harry's studio, a cab honked at me as I risked getting run over crossing the street and probably all the people i hit running here would have wished that.

As I got to the door of apartment studio that Harry rented a room out of, my heart was thumping in my ears, my shaking hand reached to open the door. I took a deep breath before pulling it open and entering, I walked though the hall to the door to his studio, slowly opening it.

The studio has always been beautiful, two walls out of 4 made of glass doors that were faced on the avenue below, the sunset light shiningthrough them illuminating Harry's figure in the middle of the room.

He's beautiful in the golden light, shadows accentuating his sharp jaw, his hair pushed back by a bandana while he works on a canvas, the earbuds in his ears explain how he hasn't heard me coming. He always hides his works when they aren't finished, says they have to be just perfect.

As I take a look at the watercolor drawing my heart stops. Harry is painting a drawing of me asleep on his couch. My brown hair covering half of my face, my features relaxed in a peaceful expression. The sun was shining through the window, reflecting on the floor and painting making it look even more beautiful.

I slowly stepped closer and before I could reach to touch Harry's shoulder, he spun around and jumped up startled.

"I-I" Harry stuttered try to grab the canvas cover next to him to cover the painting but I grab his hand to stop him. I know Harry is hating this, it's the first time his feelings for me are out on the open and I realize now Emma was right, I really need a pair of glasses.

Harry is standing still looking at his shoes and I can't bear to have him this way I need to tell him how I feel or iIll explode.

"Harry" I said softly grabbing his chin to look up at me "it's beautiful"

He smiled softly still a little nervous and I grabbed his paints off the floor and reached behind his back to set them on his desk, still keeping a hold on his arm. When I straightened back up I reached my now free hand to his neck, stroking it gently, it felt like trying not to scare a wary animal but that's how feelings works, we all need reassurance in our most vulnerable moments.

"Ivy what are y-" Harry started to say but I cut him off by kissing him. He froze not expecting that, but I kept kissing him hoping he would pull me close. After a moment the fear that he was just gonna push me away started to fill my mind but it was quickly swept away when I heard the brushes he still held in his hand hit the floor as he dropped them and grabbed my hips and neck pulling me close in a desperate motion. One of his hand stayed on my hips as the other traveled to tangle in my hair to kiss me deeper.

Our lips moved in sync, I wanted to squeal, I had literally wanted to do this since we were like 18, his lips molded against mine, and I swear in this moment I could have fainted, his tongue poked out to run across my lips asking for entrance, I parted mine to let him though to which he pushed his tongue into my mouth to tangle with my own. I pulled back to catch my breath. He rested his head on mine, I opened my eyes to see his flutter open, his eyes were filled with happiness and admiration.

"Ivy" Harry whispered, making my voice sound like a plea of mercy.

"Harry" I whispered back my nose bumping against his "I love you"

That's one way to do it.

I heard his breath falter as he took in a quick breath. He eyes stared into mine as if he was search for any sign of falsehood. He looked back and forth between my eyes and mouth, he grabbed my head and pulled me back into a kiss. He lips moved against my lips different from last time this time it was rushed, all of our repressed emotions from the past four years finding their expression in our movements. His lips moved roughly but softly against mine, saying the words that he hadn't spoken yet.

He pulled back and rested his head against mine panting as if kissing me like that had sucked the air from his lungs.

"I love you too, Ivy" He whispered his eyes staring into mine as he spoke the words I had ached to hear for years. This time it was me that pulled him to a kiss, surprised be the quick movement it caused him to lose his balance and for us to fall to the ground where we laid until nightfall and talked until the sun came back again.

And the rest is history.

One shot by me & @JimmylovesMariah (i only edited this one)

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