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Phantom: A ghost


Low murmurs of a soul's plea, tears shedding involuntarily as their hearts cry out to the mighty. To hear or to be heard, there are numerous reasons for why one seek for the solace of God. He stood there as he looked at the sincere prayers, he stood there beside the chapal and smiled on every single smile or cry of people.

Charcoal coat of purity, a stainless shade covered his body with every sincerity as the people who came to greet him. His clothed arms rose together cast the blessing on the behalf of the lord.

"May the blessing of his might be upon you all."

A firm tone of confidence and friendliness, it was the very reason why people specifically chose him. God may not be able to relay his blessings verbally to them, he may not be able to comfort his children and for that very reason, his special child smiled on them to bring his solace to them.


He greeted every person that spoke to him with a polite smile. His ginger hair may not be the most Father-like feature but he knew more than anyone, god does not judge you by the way you look.

"Father Lain! I hope you're doing well. After all, things have been quite dangerously recently."

A sickeningly sweet tone. A woman with a heart of maiden, he did not need to analyse further to know what eyes with a look of expectations looked like. Hopeless eyes of a woman with a heart full of desires. Her cheeks slightly tinted with a flush of blush, her posture slightly squirmed to display the glimpse of vulnerability. As a man he knew well enough what that signifies. Alas, he was a child of a god, hence his only purpose was to look at god and no one else.

"Oh dear, please do take care of yourself. God is always with you, do not feel alone in these dark times."

Eyes forming crescents on each of the lids as his lips pursed together in the most purest smile. His wheat-like skin shined under the chapel's coloured rays.

"Oh no Father, you don't understand!"

"Yes, Father is too faithful to worry!" Another woman of younger age joined in the conversation, increasing the indusing noise from their conversation.

"Haha." He laughed innocently, his eyes looked at the worried women standing in front of him, obliged to answer them. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Father is so trusting of God that he might not take care of himself. Don't you know that our town is haunted by a phantom these days?"

Though he disliked any kind of gossip, he found himself interested in this conversation. 


The older woman nodded, eagerness much visible in her eyes. As if she was much acquainted with the subject of conversation.

"Recently the people who are working in the magic-stone mine are dropping like flies. They all die of different causes, the only thing they have in common is how they all worked in the mining. Oh heaven's, how absurd it is!"

Her words sounded exaggerated but Lain could tell there was truth to them. He continued to listen the ladies in front of him talk.

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