1: Meeting the Survey Corps

43 3 15

Status: Unedited

Published: January 25, 2022

For some reason when you entered the Universal Studios, you felt uncomfortable and excited for a reason you don't know.

Once you've reached your favorite section, the Attack On Titan Wax Exhibit, you couldn't help but stare at the figures with pure lust and admiration.

You've seen the figures before in Social Media but seeing them in real life was a different experience.

Not to mention your little crush on Levi Ackerman, he never fails to make you smile with his bitchy attitude.

You badly wanted to touch and caress the wax figures, take them in your arms as though they were real people but sadly everyone was not allowed to do so which sucks.

Even just a small kiss?


A blow job?

Only if you want to choke on a dick made of wax, sure.

You even saw a few girls desperately trying to get naked in front of Levi's wax figure. You had to calm yourself down, it wasn't like it was a real person and he was about to cheat on you with some girl he doesn't even know. Not to mention that he probably doesn't even know you exist for him to be loyal to you.

You and your squad have currently recovered a chest of gold from China that has been reported stolen 3 months ago and your Uncle thought it's time you and your whole Squad take a break. He let you guys travel to Japan as a reward and you guys get to stay in the Headquarters there for as many days as you guys want before returning to the Main Headquarters.

Marcus had told everyone to meet up back in front of a kitty cafe at 5 PM for snacks before returning to the Headquarters for movie night.

Being the problem child, you had other plans.

You had a fucked up brilliant and idiotic idea.

You had no idea why you're doing this just for a wax figure but you had to do it.

You hid under a table that was covered with cloth that reaches up to its legs and waited till the exhibition closed at night. It was a good thing you snook in some snacks in your bag pack. It was just the same table under Hange's cheerful wax figure while Levi literally just stares at her with bored eyes, arms crossed.

5 PM already passed and Marcus called you. You immediately canceled the call and texted him to be quiet, quite lucky that your phone was on vibrate. He didn't know what was going on so he just shrugged and told everyone to just leave you behind until you give an emergency call back at your shared room in the Headquarters. Everyone knew you were up to something and they're just waiting for their own time to shine, they're just being obedient to their Captain.

After you heard the last gate close with the laughing of the guards who locked it, before you could even get out of your little spot one of them shouted:

"Enjoy yourselves while we're gone! You only have 8 hours left!" laughed the guard as he twirled his keys around his finger, walking away with his sprinkled donut and his friends.

You wiped your sweat with your sleeve and crawled out of your hiding place. 'The hell is that supposed to mean?'
you asked yourself in confusion.

You flinched. 'Do they know I'm here? Nah, they said "yourselves" and I'm the only one in here. Lmao, don't tell me they're talking about the wax statues.'

Carved by The Angels (Levi x Modern Demon! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now