🔓Chapter One🔓

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This chapter is a bit boring and will contain like a lot of errors- I am so sorry I didn't upload like I was supposed to, my apologies. Like I said before, this won't be a rush in conflict and I will take criticism. I love you guys (Not that way of course), stay safe, don't be jerks, and I hope you enjoy my dears.

Chapter 1

Desmos Village

Life felt so wasted for the basically lifeless man.. He used to believe there was such a thing as peace in this bitter ill-mannered server. He scoffs at his such childish belief, thinking this server was going to be peaceful. He remembers making this sudden creation when he was around "20" years old with his dearest "friends". His so-called "friends" didn't care about his situation and left him to become a villain. He thinks back in the past, he thinks about when he was such a pure and content child. He wonders what went wrong in his previous life that made him end up here. He looked up at the purity of the orange colored liquid that grinned at him. He wishes for a sudden comfort by anyone but knows it's impossible due to his choices. He sees the lava slowly vanish, revealing a man eerily grinning at him with an axe behind his back.

March 18, 1757

City of Salem, Desmos Village

10 days before the incident

9:23 AM

C%8n#l(* POV

I yawn as I walk out of my room, moving slowly to not disturb the others. I walked into the next room towards the cabinets. I opened one of the cabinets, revealing a variety of food supplies. I took a few potatoes out of one of the sacks and closed the cabinet. I walked to the icebox and took a small portion of Chorizo out of one of the shelfs and closed the cold door with my free hand. I put the supplies down and I walked towards my back door and slowly opened the door, adjusting to the bright rays of light. I grabbed the water bucket near me and walked through the wet grass towards the nearby well. I eventually got to the well, grabbing the tuff rope and wrapped it around the bucket handle. I slowly dropped the bucket into the well and I eventually pulled it back up after 5 minutes, going back to the wooden house. I put the bucket on the counter and took a portion of the water to clean the potatoes. After a while I finished cleaning the potatoes, I went to one of the utensil drawers to grab a knife. When I eventually found the right knife, I went back to the potatoes to cut them into smaller pieces. I put the knife on the cutting board and dropped onto my knees to the bottom cabinets and took out the bag of coal. I took the bag of coal while closing the cabinet to go towards the stove. I opened the small compartment under the stove and poured some coal in. I went through my pockets and pulled out flint and steel to light the coal. When lit I went to get the pan to put on the stove.

 I waited a few minutes for the pan to heat up while I got the oil and poured a bit in to let it sit. I went to grab the potatoes to eventually pour the vegetables in. I let the potatoes cook for a few minutes. Watching the cooking potatoes, I opened the lid and scrapped half of the smushed Chorizo in the pan with the potatoes. I crushed the Chorizo a bit then left it alone with a lid on. After a while I heard soft steps walk into the kitchen and the unknown figure wrapped their arms around my waist. I sank into the warm embrace and let my head fall slightly on their shoulder while slightly opening the lid to stir the Potatoes. Neither of us said anything after a few minutes until the Chorizo Potatoes were deemed done. I went to grab the plates but the figure decided to grab them instead. I smiled contently at my partner's enthusiastic face for the food. "Darling, would you be so kind and set up the plates while I wake the Enderlings?" I asked with a smile. The figure nodded while having 6 plates in their hands. 

I walked out of the kitchen to go into the hallway. I went 3 doors down and knocked on the door. I hear shuffling at first then hear footsteps coming towards the other side of the door. The door slowly opened, revealing red bed hair and brown drowsy eyes stared back. "I am sorry to disturb your nap Robin," I said. Robin blinked his eyes, gave me a small smile in return and said, "It's okay, I had to get up anyways,". I nodded and told him that breakfast was ready and to go get food. I walked away to the next room that had my other children and knocked on the wooden door. I hadn't heard anything so I opened the door quietly to see only my daughter there. I chuckled at an unsurprising empty spot that would've held my other son. I walked up to the other bed and shaked my daughter gently. "Drista, it's time for breakfast," I said softly to not panic her. She opened her eyes and looked at me, seemingly in her own little world. She rubbed her eyes to then look at me with an ecstatic expression as she jumped up. She got up from bed and quickly went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

I walked to my youngest son's room and opened the door to see an unsurprising scene. I saw my 10 year old son holding the youngling,rocking him gently. I softly smile at the two, trusting the older not to drop the young ender. The white platinum hair with teal streaks covered the boy's face as he looked at me. The boy immediately understood as if he could read my mind and nodded. I walked out of the room while hearing the soft pitter patter of footsteps. I walked into the kitchen to see my other children already eating with their homemade forks while my husband was making the other plates. I held my hands out and my son gave me the youngling. My other child eventually sat down while my dearest gave him his food. "Core, why don't you go eat, I will take care of Ran today," I suggested even though there wasn't a yes or no answer. Core, knowing me well, chuckled at my suggestion and grinned. "Why my dear, I suppose I could have a bit of food," He said.

-Few minutes later-

"Core, have you heard the news from Mayor Jimmy?" I suddenly asked while washing dishes. Core looked at me with a questioning look, "What do you mean news?". I looked at him with an empty stare that held no frustration yet unsurprised. "Apparently, there will be a guest by the name of Mr. Jacobs coming here in 10 days," I said. Core looked at me with surprise, "Well then, let's get ready Cornelius,".

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter of The Day. It took quite a while to make this chapter. As like before, you will unlock characters each chapter and will be handed more information about them soon. Also Core isn't blind, yet.

Unlocked Characters (+Mentioned)

- Core Aurelius - Mayor Jimmy - Ran Aurelius - Mr. Jacobs

- Drista Aurelius - Robin Aurelius - Cornelius Aurelius

- ????? Aurelius

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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