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TW:yelling, arguing, suicide, Dream? ( That's a joke )
Main characters: Tommy,Tubbo
Doing: exile arc

As Tommy shot up from a nightmare,panting as the dream was about him being exiled and Dream torturing him.

He decided that he would go out for a walk to clear his head so he would be able to go back to sleep.

Considering that he has sleeping problems so he hasn't been able to get alot or any sleep recently.

Tommy decided that he would go to the nether sense it would calm him down every sense he was a little child.

'as Tommy walked to Phil and kept annoying him till he would get up and see what his youngest son needed.

After he got up he saw that his son had found there nether portal in the Forest in they back yard.

"Yes bubs?"
"Wat is tat"
Tommy said pointing at the nether portal.
"Well that is a nether portal,but you can not go in there okay?"
As Wilbur and Phil were yelling about some dumb shit Tommy was have a panic attack with all the yelling and he couldn't go to techno because he was down there with them but not joining the yelling fit.

So as Tommy thought this was a good idea he jumped out of his window and ran to the Forest with the nether portal.

And sat next to it,he was 12 when he had this experience with the nether portal it seemed that it was calling for him to come inside and be safe and peaceful.

But then techno had to come out and stop him,you see techno realized that Tommy would probably be having a panic attack and went up to check on him and to not see him there scared him.'

He was now 16 and was able to go in the nether without someone with him guarding him from the dangers of the nether.

As he walked down the path that led you to l'manburg, while walking down the path he realized how easy it would be to just end it all together.

Not have to worry,hurt,feel,betrayed it seemed so simple that he was angry at himself at not realizing it earlier.

Tubbo walked out of the presidential office and sighed while stretching and walking down the prime path and going to the nether portal so he could go see Tommy.

He wanted to go see him ever since he exlied him but he wanted to give him some space then work just got so caught up he had to put the plan to a hold.

Oh how he wished that he didn't.

Once he got in the nether he began to walk to where Tommy was,he knew that Tommy named his 'town' but he couldn't remember what the name was.

As he turned the corner he saw a sight that he wish he would never have to see.

Tommy was leaning towards the end of the bridge with his eyes closed and with a peaceful smile on his face like he knew what he was doing and was okay with it.


Tubbo yelled as he ran to get to Tommy trying to grab him,to save him,to whatever he had to do to make sure that Tommy would be safe.

But of course he was to late as he watch his best friend fall in to the lava with a smile.

Then the message that messed up the server for the rest of it's time,that one message the one that costed the most pain.

Tommyinnit tried to swim in lava
No Cannon life's left.

Tubbo let out the most pain full scream that anyone would have heard as he has lost his best friend because of him.

If he just have not exlied him he would be here with him have fun and helping him with his problems.

But of course it couldn't be that easy,it just couldn't be that easy it would to much to ask for a good life.
As soon as techno looked at his communicator and saw the message he broke,his little took his lost life and he couldn't help him.

What kind of brother would do that,a shit one I'll tell you that,a one that can't do shit right and can't even help his little brother because of his selfishness.
When ghostbur saw the message he was in tears but soon forgot with all the blue on him and him not being able to remember any sad memories.

But when alivebur came back and seen that everyone was alot more Sader than he remembered and when he asked Dream about it Dream said that Tommy was died and has been for a while.

Heyo! Uh just wanted to get a oneshot out today and yeah I'll try and make and post one ever day! Bye bey!

Tommyinnit Angsty OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now