Love me, Love me not Ch. 3

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Chapter 3

All I heard was the ocean swaying back and forth, seagulls chirping and the wind blowing. I began to open my eyes and look directly to the sun. I saw my mom. She was beyond beautiful. She looked like an Angel from above. All you can see is that she was glowing bright yellow. More yellow than the sun! She had wings bigger than her figure and was smiling directly at me.

"M-Mom...?!" I murmured tears rushing down my face.

"Remember this, I will be with you... always..." Her voice was fading away. A man was with her glowing even brighter than her. He took her hand and they both flew away.

"MOM! Wait don't leave me! I'm clueless without you!" I screamed and screamed but she never came. It was then I was all alone. And then... I woke up.

I gasped and realized I was sweating like a dying pig. I looked at the clock and it said it was 5 in the morning.

Then I got out of bed and went to the cabinet and got my hot pink Volleyball shorts and my black tank top and went straight to the washroom. After I got done changing I put my hair into a pony tail and washed my face and brushed. I looked at the clock again and it said 5:10.

Then I quietly grabbed my cell and left my room. I calmly walked down the stairs silent as a mouse and slipped on my gym shoes to do my usual morning jogs.

As I was jogging I felt like I was being stalked. The time got to look back I saw no one until...

"Good Morning!"

I shrieked covering my mouth as the guy that was stalking me said right in my ear. When I turned around again I saw his blonde spiked hair, his aqua blue eyes just made him attractive. He seemed like he was a senior in high school. I guess he was also out for a jog because he was wearing a white guys tank top and was in basket ball shorts.

"FUDGE! WHAT THE HECK YOU STALKER! WHAT KIND OF PERSON GOES UP AND STALKS INNOCENT GIRLS WHILE THEY JOG!" Did I mention when anyone creeps up on me I don't go all 'oh I'm sorry you can continue to stalk me' who would do that.

"Whoa, man, gosh you’re a feisty chick." The creeper said with a flirty grin on his face.

"What did you call me?!"

"Okay maybe we left off at the wrong spot. I'm Jake , You?" I could tell he was trying to change the subject.

"I'm Gabrielle. If you think you can just change the subject well your wrong."

"Hey I'm sorry okay? Just so you know you’re a girl."

"No really? I have boobs don't I?" Wow what a moron of course I'm a girl! This Jake person is starting to get on my nerves.

"Well yeah you do have fine boobs and a nice as-." Before he could finish I slapped his muscular arm which it kind of hurt.

"Ow. You slap like an ogar!"

"Oh well at least I'm not one." I giggled.

"Your hurt my feelings..." He faked sobbed. "Anyway what I meant to say is that you’re a girl. You shouldn't be jogging alone. Some creepy guys pass through here."

All I understood was again that he pointed out that I was a girl but I lost what the other part was.

"Wha-" Before I could finish I saw a group a teenage guys that looked about a year older than me riding their motorcycles and stopped when they saw me. One of the guys from the biker gang got off his bike and walked up to me and Jake. He had a black leather jacket on and was about a foot taller than me. I liked his hair though it was dark brown and buzzed, his eyes were green with a hint of blue. He had a very good toned body as well.

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