Love me, Love me not Ch. 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up just in time for dinner. Roger cooked steak and mushrooms. I just grabbed my food and went to the fridge to get some orange soda.

"Thats my soda! Don't touch it!" Roger yelled.

I just ignored him. He got up, stomped over to me and took the soda from my hands.

"Ugh! Your daughters and wife can have some and not me? Believe it or not but I’m part of your family too!" I yelled and ran up stairs.

I hated my family! They didn't even care about me!

When I was done eating I called Hayle to tell her all about what happened. We were talking for hours! It was great! I miss her so much... She had to go because her little brother, Tye, was dying to play hide -n- seek. A little while afterwards I got a text from Alex.

Gabbie! We need to talk...

I just ignored, I'm not in the mood to talk to him. Then a couple of minutes later I got a another text from him.

I know you are reading my texts. Just answer please!

I had no choice but answer.

Leave me alone!

I was getting angrier and really didn't want to talk to him after what happened. I went to get my sleep wear when I heard another vibration. She I went back on my bed to check my phone and I got another text from Alex.

I'm really sorry!

I don't believe that he's sorry. He has to prove it to me; he has to show me he's sorry. Until I see his sorry face right now then maybe I'd forgive him. But for now I think we shouldn't be talking if he's going to be a stupid player.

I think it would be better if we didn't talk anymore...

A few seconds later he texted back. Which was really fast. I think maybe he is really sorry....

Don't say that...

Then I got really curious. When we first met why did he even bother to come up to me when I was in Georgia sitting in my special thinking spot...

Alex, I have a question. Why did you come up to me at the rocks?

I took a deep breath and sent it. Maybe he just was dared too. I don't really believe that fate made us meet. Maybe he just wanted a girl to bang... What am I even thinking...? I look down at my phone and got another text from him.

Because you looked beautiful in that white sundress looking into the water...and you seemed like a fun person to be around.

Did he really meant that...? Did he really mean what he just texted me...? Now I have to forgive that sorry butt head. Then I received another text from him.

I gotta go. I'm meeting a girl.

I truly wanted to punch him then. I was so happy! Then he ruined it!

I heard a knock on my balcony door. I didn't know who it was so I grabbed my softball bat. I opened the door slowly and went outside. I turned around, about to swing my bat until I heard, "Woah woah woah!"

I recognized the voice. I put down my bat and saw Alex.

"Alex?! What the heck? How did you get up here? How did you know where I live?" I looked over the balcony and didn't see anything.

"I climbed and Michael told me…"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on his back. He leaned in for a kiss. I put my hand over my mouth. He opened his eyes. I just gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

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