Love me, Love me not Ch. 12

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Chapter 12

A family vacation! A week in the woods with the family that hates me. Yippie...

I heard my family all talking down stairs, so I went down stairs with my bag. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I got death glares from the evil twins.

"What are you doing?" Hanna asked in a vicious tone.

"Coming with you guys camping..." I mumbled.

"No your not!" Heather butt in.

"Girls, she is coming if you like it or not. We can't leave her here. Now lets go." Becka said stoping a fight that was about to happen. I looked over at Roger and he looked really upset.

We headed out to the the car, everyone got in before me. Heather and Hanna sat in the back with their stuff in the middle seat, while Becka and Roger were up front.

"Oh, I guess there isn't enough room for you. So I guess that means you can't come." Heather said shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, darn. Not enough room? Well I guess I could sit on one of you." I said, trying to hold in my laugh.

"EW!" They both screamed and moved their bags. I slid into the car next to Heather. I'm started to get how to make these guys stop bothering me.

The ride over to the camp site would take at least a couple of hours. I couldn't stand listening to the twins gossip, so I put my head phones in. I could still hear them through my blasted music.

"OMG!...Embryo...SO HOT!" I heard one of them say. That moment I took out my head phones to listen better.

"With a capital HOT! You are so lucky!" The other squealed.

"Why is Hanna so lucky?" I questioned.

"Because she is dating him! Duh!" Heather claimed putting her hand in my face. I laughed a little.

"Embryo is dating you? I don't think so."

"Well I am! Be jealous!" Hanna argued.

"Uhm, he is dating me! Why in the world would he date a monster you?"

"What?! He is dating me! Why would he date a freak like you?"

"Let me get this straight. You guys are both dating Embryo from Howern High School?" Heather asked with a confused look on her face.

"YES!" Hanna and I screamed in Heathers face.

"I'm going to text him to see if this is true!" Hanna said pouting.

I was going to join her. We both didn't get replies. I can't believe this. He is really cheating on me, with my sister! That, that, BUTTHEAD!!

I wanted to go text Jake tpo get my mind of things, but we got to the camp site. And the torture begins.


1 week before


Hanna's POV

Friday! Girl time at the mall! Heather, Amanda, Sierra, and I all went to the mall to get some new clothes for next week. Our clothes that we have now are getting boring. We all need a little spice in our walking closets!

While walking through the crowded walk ways, pushing people out of our way, someone bumped into me.

"Excuse me!" I screamed at the fool, making the whole place quiet.

"Oh sorry." He mumbled looking at his feet. Then our eyes met. "Are you ok? Because Heaven is a long fall from here." He said in a confident voice that made all of us giggle. We started walking away. but then stopped when he grabbed me arm. "Are you forgetting something?"

"What?" I said worried looking through my things.

"Me." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Ok, your good!" I grabbed a pen from my Coach purse and took his hand and wrote my number and name. "See you later." I seductively said, winking as I walked away trying to disguise my excitement.

Later that night I got a call. I was dieing to answer, but i let it ring for a little so I don't seem desprate.

"Hello." I purred.

"Hey Hanna? It's uh Embryo from the mall."

"Oh, hey." Acting if I want interested.

"Are you busy tonight?"

"It depends."

"Well do you want to go out to dinner with me?"

"Sure, I guess." On the inside I was screaming like there was no tomorrow, but on the outside i need to keep it cool.

"Cool, pick you up at 7 o'clock. Wear something nice."

"Ok, see you then." Was the last of our phone call. I screamed and started dancing around. Heather comes running in with a worried expression on her pretty little face.

"Hanna! Are you okay?" She screamed.

"I HAVE A DATE!" She came over to me and we danced together until I realised what time it was. I had one and half hours to get ready. I turn to Heather, "I need you to help me get ready!" She nods and dashes over to my closet. I go over to my washroom to get my make-up on.

As I put it on, Heather run in and out of my washroom showing me dresses. We havent found one yet, then she brings me this amazing animal printed tube dress. It was perfect.

"That's the one!" I tell my lovely sister.

Once I finish my make-up, Heather does my hair. She straightened it and took my bangs back and made a little poof on top of my head. We added some jewelry and I slipped on my strapy gold heels. I run downstairs to let my parents know that i'll be gone. They approve of my outfit and let me leave. I waited by the door for him to come. I heard a knock on the door and made Heather answer it. I walk outside a minute later and greeted him.He was wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow and had it unbutton a little where you could see his chest. He also had on a nice pair of jeans that sagged a little with black sneakers. He ran his hand through his brown hair, making him look sexy.

"Y-y-you look a-amazing!" He gawked. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

We walked over to his car and we headed to some french restaurant that I couldn't pronounce. Embryo laughed at me while I tried to pronounce it. The food was amazing, and so was he. WE laughed and talked. It turns out that we have a lot of things in common.

After he drove me home, he walked me to my door. Please kiss me! We stared at each other for a while, but nothing. So i went to go open the front door, but he grabbed my arm. He pulled me into a kiss. I intertwined my fingers in his hair while his hands rested on my hips. It was an endless bliss.  WE were interrupted when my mom opened up the door. She ruined it! Embryo pulled away quickly stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Uhm, well I better go. Bye Hanna." He sighed and kissed me on my cheek.

"Bye..." I breathed and pushed passed my mom and went to my room.

That was the best date I have ever been on!

We went on more dates, and then became official. Girlfriend and boyfriend! I never been with a guy for this long before. He makes me happy.

When I heard Gabbie say that she is dating him, I knew that little brat was lying. Embryo would never do that to me. I know he wont. She is just jealous! There is no way she is going to come in between me and my perfect man!


OMG!! This took long enough!! It may be short.. idk but at least i tried. Im tired and it is soooooo hard to write when you dont have any inspiration!! Sooo sorry it took so long!! Angelica was gone for 2 weeks... so no writing for her. But she is giving me ideas... so yea!!  I'll try to post the next chapter faster....

Thanks to FelZiz for the picture!! :))


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