💜 EP-13 💜

18 3 0

Jungkook's POV

Y/N again started to drink a lot.
Jungkook can't do anything.
He stops to go near her.
On the time he thinks...jin pulled the bottle from her.

' oh... world wide handsome who is afraid of my scars...how are you bro?'
Jin : that day...your step mom told me to do that.
Y/n suddenly got silent.
Jin went and hugged her with tears.
' I'm not like that man to love a girl by seeing the appearance...y/n... saranghae! That time I thought...if I leave you...you could be happy...but now I regret. I don't want to lose you'.

Y/n don't know what to do cuz she likes jk. Jin cried on her shoulder.

Jungkook saw this from far and he thought...y/n could accept him. So he went back.

Jin and y/n sat at a chair.. outside the bar...on the road.
Y/n : you... really like me?
Jin : I like you. Y/n... what I'm speaking is true.

Y/n : but...I don't think we can join again.
Jin got tears.
Y/n : miahnae...my heart pondering someone's name. After you left...I felt like I'm in the hell.
Jin : but I...

Y/n : arayo...you didn't did purposely. Kim Seok Jin, I'm not a right girl for you.
Jin : I had waited these years. Just for you.
Y/n : if you think before you speak...that day...now we could stay as married. I know...how I liked you very much.

Y/n speaks with tears. She smiles with tears cuz she don't want to cry.
' we would stay by holding hands... it's heaven...and we also playful. Jinah, my heart didn't allows me to go back to you '.
Jin : jwesonghamnida! To make you sad these days. It's ok...if you didn't like me. Go with the man who likes you truly. Be safe. Live happily!

He told with tears. Y/n can't control her cry. She is holding back her tears.



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I can't write more cuz I'm sleepy...hehe...mianhada!

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