Conversations and Contemplation

475 13 12

Benson POV:

Burrow people are really afraid of everything. Dahlia and Asher are clutching each other so tight I'm adamant that both their hands have lost all circulation. And Troy...well, he seems calm, but the slightest crack of a branch sends tiny shivers across his whole body. I should know, I've been staring at him for the last hour. 

"Hey Wolf, did you kill the wolf that you're wearing?"

"Have you killed any other wolves?"

"When did you meet Kipo?"

"Do you have a family?"

At that last one, Wolf turns around and points Stalky directly at Dahlia throat. A soft growl escapes her lips.

"Less. Talking." She says, as quiet as the breeze. The other girl squeaks and nods.

"Hey, erm..." Troy steps in between the girls, "Dahlia didn't mean anything by it. She won't ask any more questions, we promise."

"Good. Now keep walking."

Wow. Troy may be finding this walk extremely scary, but he isn't afraid of Wolf? I can't tell if that's cute, chivalrous or stupid. Either way, I'm not complaining.

We walk on for a while longer in silence. Troy stays behind, though, and we're quietly meandering in time with each other's footsteps, no speech needed. I'm very grateful for the dark shadow of the sunset and my cap, because I am definitely blushing. Troy, however, looks perfectly calm and, well, perfect. 

"Hey, so, these Timbercats..." He says, nudging me with an elbow. The contact sends sparks flying across my whole body, "They'll take us in?"

"Oh!" I say, loudly. I clear my throat and start again, "Er, yeah. We've saved their village a couple of times, and we're returning Pierre-" I gesture to the flea Dahlia and Asher have strategically placed in front of them and behind Wolf, "-so they'll probably be happy to shelter a few more humans."

"Woah!" Troy says, "You saved a village? How?!" 

"Well, it was mainly Kipo..." I mutter.

"You. Are. So. Brave. Period." Troy grabs my arm for a split second, then lets go. I laugh nervously and rub the back of my head.  Like an idiot, my hat gets knocked from my head and flies into a bush. "Damn it." I mutter and go to retrieve it.

"I'll get it!" Troy says and goes to wade waist-deep into the undergrowth.

"No, stop!" I panic and grab Troy's hand. "That's death ivy! You'll-"

"Die?" A smirk plays on the boys face. I lightly slap him arm with my free hand.

"Yeah, smart-ass. Die. Let me." I lead him over to a non-mortous tree and grab a branch, which I use the fish my hat out of the leaves. Shaking it rid of excess death, I place it back on my head.

"Maybe I should keep a hold of you, just so you don't kill yourself." I say, then immediately curse myself inwards. That was such a dumb thing to say! Now he's gonna think I see him as stupid, and he's gonna think I think I need to baby sit him!, yeah, that's the right way around. To my surprise, however, he grins, averting his gorgeous gaze.

"That seems fair." He says. I smile and grasp his hand in mine.

"Hey, you two!" Wolf shouts, now a good few yards ahead, "Hurry up!"

"Yeah, get a room!" Asher adds, gaining courage. I don't understand the phrase, but Troy blushes a deep red and hurries on. I notice he doesn't let go of my hand, though.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" The voice comes the second we rejoin the herd. Wolf has somehow appeared behind me, directly inbetween mine and Troy's entwined hands.

"How do you do that?!" I ask, but she ignores my question and leads me to the other side of the path, breaking my connection to Troy. I groan.

"Why are you acting so weird?" She whispers.

I play with my collar and stare at the canopy, "What? I-I'm not acting all- all weird, hahaha." 

"You're literally doing it right now!" Wolf responds, annoyed. I sigh.

Wolf squints at me, then groans, "Ugh, you're acting the same way Kipo was on her birthday! What is that?!? Why do people do that?!"

"Could you just...get off my back." To my surprise, Wolf sighs,

"Sure. I didn't mean to pry. Just...confused, is all."

"You and me both, girl." I say and look over to the group. Asher and Dahlia, both riding Pierre, are giggling about something, poking Troy and asking him questions. He bats their hands away, but smiles sheepishly and laughs every now and again, dismissing whatever they're talking about. His dimples are a perfect shade in this dusky light, and he looks like the world's friendliest I sound like Kipo.

"It has something to do with that Burrow Boy, doesn't it?" Wolf asks, picking up on my gaze, "What's-his-name, Tron."

"Troy." I say, blushing.

"A-HA!" Wolf points at my face, eliciting strange looks from the Burrow Children, before lowering her voice, "You did it again. The red thing, on your face. Is that normal for humans?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Well, what ever it is, it has something to do with Toy."


"Whatever. Let's join the others before they kill themselves."

We rejoin the group, catching the tail end of Asher's probe- "Brave boys're your type then?" before Troy shushes them and walks to meet me and Wolf.

"So, what was that? We're not going the wrong way, are we?" He adds, fear creeping into his voice and face. I open my mouth to produce some terrible cover-up, but Wolf simply says, "That's death ivy. Don't touch it, Asher." and walks on.

Troy nudges me and seizes my hand. "For safety." he says.

"For safety." I smile.

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