Through The Looking Glass Ruins 2.0

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Benson POV:

I'm frozen with shock. I just...kissed Troy. Or did he kiss me? Does it matter? All I know is that me and Troy kissed and it was phenomenal, because I finally know he likes me. Because he kissed me! Me! He kissed me!


He kissed me, and then...he ran. I glance at the spot where he jumped down to the branches below, and finally jerk into motion.

Rising to my feet, I cross the leaves and slide through the canopy, landing steadily on a thick bough. About a hundred meters away from me, right at the trunk, is Troy, clutching his overnight bag. I watch as he prepares to descend the tree and cry out.

"Troy!" I say, dashing along the branch, "Where're you going?" I joke. I try to keep my voice light and amused, even though the shock has worn away and all I want to do is run off, too. Troy sees me and stops.

"I genuinely don't know." He says. I've caught up with him and together we sit on the edge of the branch, watching a mouse scamper by. "I was just caught with the..the..."

"Urge to run?" I offer, "To hide from the fact that maybe I didn't like you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"I get it." I say. "God, I get it. I feel the same way pretty much every time I'm around you."

"You do?" Troy asks, and genuine surprise touches his voice. I laugh.

"My God, you're even more clueless than I am." I contemplate, "Well, no. But you're up there. Did you not notice how I much stared the very first time we met?"

"No..." Troy was the one laughing now, looking straight into my eyes. Well, not straight. He was looking queer into my eyes.

I'm not even sorry. Straight jokes are funny.

I take his hands in mine. "Ok, so, I'm just gonna put this out there. I like you, Troy. Really, really like you. You're unlike anyone I've ever met. You're funny, smart, kind, everything. And I wanna go out with you. On a date. As a couple?"

Troy's eyes widen slightly, before softening into a big grin. "I'd love that."

I hesitate for a second before planting a kiss on his cheek. He gasps and blushes slightly and I giggle. Why? God, I don't know.


"The hell?" Troy asks, standing to his feet as we both stare at the mound that appeared next to us. It groans and raises its purple-pink face, spiky pink hair covered in leaves.

"Kipo?!" I say, "You were eavesdropping?!"

"Honestly, I don't know why you're surprised." Kipo says candidly, rising to her feet. Wolf drops silently behind her and I glare. 

"You, too, Wolf? Disappointed." She shrugs like she couldn't care less, which is probably true. Meanwhile Kipo is...dancing?

"I knew it!" she says in a sing-song voice, "You kept denying it but I knew you liked him! Haha!" Wolf nudges her, and she stands still once more. "Well, me and Wolf need to get going, but congrats, you too. You finally realized how much of a dumbass you were both being." They leap down to the branches below. Leaving me and Troy alone once more.

"Well, I'm gonna go and get my stuff. You coming?" I ask, reaching for a higher stick to climb onto.

"Yeah, just gotta retie my shoelaces."

I reach the canopy and the sun's rays hit my eyes with a force. 6 am. Damn.

Seizing my stuff from my tent, I chuck it back down the hole and holler down an apology to Troy for maybe hitting him. No reply comes back, but I think nothing of it as I shimmy down. But the branch is empty. 

"Troy?" I ask, leaning over the edge to see if he'd gone down already. He hadn't. "Dude?" As I turn to check the other side of the trunk, my foot comes into contact with something. Troy's torch, the lens smashed. Unease creeps into my mind.

He's just dropped a light, I tell myself, and now he's looking for something to clear it up. Even though we're in a tree...and he wouldn't need something he didn't already have.

Still, I remain on that branch, waiting for my boyfriend to return. Boyfriend? I guess so. Wow. That's awesome.

Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes go by. Still nothing. He got lost. Yeah. I just need to find him.

I comb Timbercat Village in ten minutes. Then again. He's not in his room, not with Kipo or Wolf, not in the schoolhouse or the meeting hall or with the twins. But on my third lap of the town, I find something that confirms my growing suspicions. Racing back to the twins' apartment, I nearly break down the door knocking so loud. Asher opens it and smirks. 

"Did you find Troy?" they ask in a way that tells me Kipo visited them before going out. "I've gotta thank you, dude, for finally asking him out. I was growing slightly tired of his oblivion." Dhalia appears behind her sibling's shoulder and points to the objects in my hand, 

"What're those?"

I hold them up - Troy's bag and a discarded syringe, with a few drops of a bright green liquid inside. 

"I think Troy's in trouble." I say.

Ayo, readers,

Jesus it's been a while. I'd all but given up on this, but lucky you guys! You get more crap instead of finally being at peace! No but I'm kinda proud of this chapter and I'm quite glad I picked the fanfic back up. Here's hoping I can finish it without any more unexpected hiatuses.

Also, it's been a hot minute since I've watched Kipo (I started this fic when I first finished the series) so there may be some inaccuracies now. I'm rewatching it, though.

- Omni Phrog

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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