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Troy POV:

Ok, so Benson's coming around to my place. For the first time. No big deal. Just need to quickly tidy.

"Knock knock!"

Damn it.

"Hey, Kipo- oh, hey Benson!" I say, feigning surprise.

"It's ok if I come in, right?" Benson asks sheepishly. God he's so cute.

"No, yeah, of course, step right in!" As I turn around Kipo winks outrageously at me and I roll my eyes, but my heart is beating faster than a Mega Bunny. Benson- here! I wonder what he thinks. Is it too messy? Will he think I'm a slob?

"Sorry for the mess..." I say apologetically.

"Dude, you should see my room. Wolf is not a tidy person." Benson says. He laughs, and I join in. Maybe this will be less stressful than I thought.

"Ok, my guy," Kipo cracks her knuckles, making Benson wince, "Show me to the math."

Kipo and I sit down to work the numbers and letters, but I can't concentrate. They all look the same and all I can think of is Benson sitting on the other side of me, his hips brushing against me every now and again as he points out an error either me or Kipo made. For a guy who's never been to a math lesson before this week, he's really good. So smart.

"No, Troy, that's the same thing as last time, I- why don't we have a break? I'll go and get some drinks." Kipo offers, and in a split second she's left the room, leaving just me and Benson.

"Sorry I can't get it," I say, "Kinda hard to focus today." 

"Nah, dude, I understand." Benson says, leaning against the desk, "Algebra sucks."

"How are you so good?" I ask enviously, "You've had about a week to understand every math concept so far!"

Benson shrugs, "Just born awesome, I guess." I laugh.

"Alright then, sir." I bow deeply and Benson stands up straighter, one hand behind his back and another by his chin.

"Peasant," he says in a Scarlamange-type voice, "Why must you insist on annoying the likes of me? I am far superior to you and you must do as I say."

"Yes, your highness," I say, monotone.

"Dance, peasant."

"Aaaa!" I leap at Benson and push him onto the bed, "Mutiny! Revolt!" I attempt to tickle him but he retaliates by rolling over, so our positions are switched and he's on top of me. He tries to pin my arms down so I jump up and grab him from behind, wrapping my arms around his stomach and picking him up. Benson kicks his legs in the air, to no avail, as I throw him down onto my bed again. I grab his wrists before he can do anything and pin them down, so I'm sitting on his stomach, my face inches from his. We're both breathing heavily.

"How are you so strong?" Benson gasps, "You lived in a hole your whole life."

"Well, you put up a pretty good fight yourself, Surface Kid." I retort, smiling.

"Ok then." Benson flips us over again and grabs my arms. I don't fight.

"How's that?" he asks, "Mole Boy."

"Hm, adequate." I shrug as best I can with my arms pinned above my head. 

Benson's face is inches from mine. His brown eyes shine and his teeth gleam in his cocky grin. He raises an eyebrow. "What're you looking at?"

"What's it to you, Surface Kid?"

Just at that second, the door clicks open and Kipo enters the room, carrying lemonade.

"Look what I fou- is this a bad time?"

Benson and I scramble off each other, blushing furiously. Kipo smirks. I clear my throat, "So, erm, algebra?"

Benson resumes his chair, staring at the floor, "Algebra. Yep."

Benson POV:

", you see, it was nothing."

Kipo insisted that I explain what was happening when she came in, a glint in her eye as she did. So I explained as we were walking back to my room.

"Nothing?! Benson, you on top of Troy pinning his arms down and him doing the same to you is two things- uncharacteristically violent or a very clear sign he likes you!"

"I told you, it was completely platonic. And even if it was in a romantic way- which it wasn't- " I add when I see Kipo's face, "there was absolutely zero sexuality in it."

Kipo genuinely looks shocked that I brought it up, "Oh, no, I know that. Dirty."

"Hey!" I nudge her and she nudges me back.

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